pornstar Veronica Vain shares her thoughts about the coveted “underage look” in today’s American porn industry

pornstar Veronica Vain shares her thoughts about the coveted “underage look” in today’s American porn industry

August 4, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT Commentary: Remember the woman who was marketed as “leaving Wallstreet for a career in the porn industry” a few years ago? Ironically in the video “confessional” below, Veronica Vain goes into detail about how sought after the “underage” look is in today’s American pornographic industry – and how uncomfortable she felt being cast in an explicit scene along side young women made up to look like underage girls.

In addition, Vain continues to reveal that she’s heard rumors of male “glorified pimps” in their 20s recruiting underage girls (who they’re said to meet at house parties) into American pornography to shoot the DAY they turn 18.

Nowadays Vain appears to be going by her legal name Paige – you can visit her on Youtube by clicking here.