Gay pornstar Billy Santoro addresses the issue of homophobia in the porn industry and shares his thoughts on Dave Slick’s death.

Gay pornstar Billy Santoro addresses the issue of homophobia in the porn industry and shares his thoughts on Dave Slick’s death.

August 5, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT Commentary:  The homophobic HATE CRIME within the American pornography industry must come to a close. The fact that the porn industry’s most notorious racist and homophobic HATE CRIME website (learn more about the criminal behind that situation on is STILL active is disgusting – especially considering that the Free Speech Coalition had a chance to bring the situation to a close LEGALLY (yet apparently chose not to do so – which is why our lead commentator is attempting to bring COMPLETE legal closure to the situation on her own INDEPENDENTLY via the Broward County Florida court system).