Satanists world wide have negative things to say about a Randazza Legal Group porn and neo-nazi defense lawyer

Satanists world wide have negative things to say about a Randazza Legal Group porn and neo-nazi defense lawyer

August 16, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT Commentary: The members of the newly formed Satanic Collective and Satanic Temple International are quite intelligent considering their views of porn industry and Neo-Nazi defense lawyer Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group.  It’s too bad Alex Jones and the members of the Free Speech Coalition aren’t as bright.

quotes below via – for the full article click here.

We view Marc Randazza as a Twitter troll and an agent of the alt-right. He is not a neutral actor with no political motivation of his own; he is an ally to Nazis and to alt-right provocateurs.


He’s a terrible human being,


We drafted a letter with two dozen other chapter heads saying, ‘Please find another alternative, we don’t want this guy representing us in a legal context.


a disgraceful lack of judgement that highlights the continued absence of diverse and equal representation within the organization.