The APAG Union has been going strong for TWO YEARS!!!!!

The APAG Union has been going strong for TWO YEARS!!!!!

August 21, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: If performers knew exactly how diligent and passionate the APAG Union leaders truly are, every single performer would currently be a member. Learn more on – Alana Evans, Ruby, Mrs. Kelly Pierce and the rest of the Unions leaders and associates do a wonderful job (and will continue to do so in the years to come).

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Today marks the two year anniversary of the Adult Performers Actors Guild. While we are still in our infancy stages, we are incredibly proud of the accomplishments we have achieved, and the numerous performers we have helped through their journey in the adult industry.

From contract issues, labor disputes, safety concerns on set and off, along with performer outreach, we have worked tirelessly to ensure our members have a true source of performer advocacy.  With the creation of the Benz list, the performer checklist that allows performers to detail exactly what is expected of them during a scene, we have seen producers proudly use it to help protect their talent. The Benz List is named after famed actress Nikki Benz, after she spoke out against brutality inflicted against her on set.  The story garnered international press opened the door for other performers to find their voice and speak out.

As the only federally recognized union in the adult film industry, our officers, board members, and union members are all performers in the adult industry. We are pleased that the majority of our Officers and Board members each have nearly 20 years experience working in the field which we represent. (click here to continue reading this post on it’s original source)