The abused, neglected and often abandoned children of sex workers and pornstars – a problem few want to tackle

The abused, neglected and often abandoned children of sex workers and pornstars – a problem few want to tackle

August 22, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

Alexandra Mayers tackles the issue of the abused, neglected and often abandoned children of sex workers, adult performers and pornstars in her podcast “Just Some Thoughts”.

Alexandra Mayers shares her thoughts via “The Story of Tommy and Jennifer” as to how though there are many sex workers, pornstars and adult performers who are good parents – there’s a flip side to that coin… many children of sex workers, pornstars and adult performers are extensively abused, neglected, abandoned and at times even sold into slavery (sex trafficked as children).
Alexandra Mayers feels that many healthy, sane and loving couples in the LGBT (LGBTQ) community would be excellent adoptive parents for such children (who are taken from their abusive parents by Child Protective Services and put into the foster care system) .
Please view the links below for more information (which is referenced in this webcast).

The story of “Tommy and Jennifer” is based on real people, real events and is the story of the parents of real children (who as of current – in Alexandra Mayers’ opinion) are in danger.