Pornstars, do you realize your boyfriend may have the agenda of pushing you to suicide so that he can attain ATTENTION AND PROFIT OFF YOUR DEATH?

Pornstars, do you realize your boyfriend may have the agenda of pushing you to suicide so that he can attain ATTENTION AND PROFIT OFF YOUR DEATH?

August 24, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: We are so happy that Alexandra Mayers tackled the issue (in her audio podcast below) of pornstar boyfriends (who are often no more than abusive “suitcase pimps”) having the agenda of pushing their girlfriends to suicide. A while back she actually wrote a blog post titled:

A few reasons why pornstars and women in general shouldn’t date men in or attached to the pornography industry. Narcissism & Murder. 

Pornstars and sexworkers – do not commit suicide. Certain pieces of garbage WANT you to kill yourself so that they can profit and gain the sympathy of future victims.