Kendra Lust, Society 15, Randy, Rita & XXXstarPR – a gang of some of the most dangerous & disgusting jerks in pornography
August 26, 2018PNT commentary: It’s quite possible that pornstar Kendra Lust, the pornstar talent agency she owns Society 15 and their “managers” Randy and Rita – along with their business associate and “friend” known as “Bosco” of XXXstarPr are not just a gang of some of the most dangerous and out right disgusting people in the American pornography industry…they just might be some of the worst people on planet Earth.
XXXstarPR is who Kendra Lust refers her talent to for publicity – even though XXXstarPR appears NOT to be a licensed business and does not even have a publicly listed telephone number (view the video above for more information). In fact, XXXstarPR is so unprofessional they do NOT respond to inquiries from established media or bloggers (with the exception of Sean Matthew Tompkins aka TRPWL – who seems to have been covering up their unethical and unprofessional activity – along with their direct tie to the porn industry’s most notorious hate crime which is operated by a defunct male pornstar (a man who currently is evading criminal charges for stalking in Broward County Florida).
As of current it seems that much of XXXstarPR’s business and likely Society 15’s business (and website traffic) stems from a racist and homophobic hate crime (click here to learn about the jerk who launched the site which targets Blacks, African-Americans, multiracial individuals and members of the LGBT community with THREATS OF VIOLENCE, THREATS OF PHYSICAL HARM, DEATH THREATS, THREATS AGAINST pornstar’s immediate family members and threats against people not even attached to the porn industry.
Bottom line – Kendra Lust likely needs to close her agency and take some college classes to learn exactly what it is to be a business professional rather than a complicit jerk who thinks that it’s OK to label Black’s and African-Americans the N-word, people of the LGBT community “fags” and who believes that she can get by in life by procuring the services of a con artist and BIGOT who makes threats of death and violence against her peers.
Without a doubt Society 15 will be named in court documentation due to their ongoing affiliation and complicit attitude in regards to XXXstarPR. In addition the California Labor Board will be notified of their activity – just as LA Direct Models.
More to come about XXXstarPR later this week…