Who exactly is the colorful Eddie Dzial and what is “PornstarBrand”?

Who exactly is the colorful Eddie Dzial and what is “PornstarBrand”?

August 27, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary:  For a few years now historians who are a part of the Porn News Today collective have noticed quite the colorful and politically outspoken character known as Eddie Dzial (@EddieDzial63 on Twitter) – a porn industry veteran from the EARLY DAYS of the industry. Though our collective doesn’t agree with his political stances for the most part – Eddie is incredibly on point in regards to the founder of the pornography industry’s most notorious and damaging hate crime and extortion racket – the defunct pornstar who founded Pornwikileaks.

In addition Eddie Dzial is drawing attention to the fact that it appears Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL is behind the smear campaigns of anyone and everyone who XXXstarPR views as an obstacle. Plus he appears to be independently uncovering the dangers of the GAB.ai social media network – and how the network could pose a major danger to adult performers in the near future.

Without a doubt Eddie is worth a follow on Twitter – he posts a nice selection of tunes daily on his twitter timeline, along with some interesting thoughts and theories.