Donald Trump’s latest attempt to dismiss Stormy Daniels’ lawsuit as an attempt to “suppress Free Speech” appears to be the brain child of a porn industry attorney – which was posted on in April of 2018

Donald Trump’s latest attempt to dismiss Stormy Daniels’ lawsuit as an attempt to “suppress Free Speech” appears to be the brain child of a porn industry attorney – which was posted on in April of 2018

August 29, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE
attorney Michael Cohen's testimony has proven that Stormy Daniels told the truth. Donald Trump's tweet which claimed she made false statements definitely damaged her reputation in regards to her being perceived as an honest person - which is an integral part of being a pornstar due to the element of STDs.

attorney Michael Cohen’s testimony has proven that Stormy Daniels told the truth. Donald Trump’s tweet which claimed she made false statements definitely damaged her reputation in regards to her being perceived as an honest person – which is an integral part of being a pornstar due to the element of STDs.

PNT commentary: The moment the Porn News Today collective read the words “chilling” and “Anti-Slapp” in the article from Business Insider (re-posted in part at the bottom of this blog entry) – we almost instantly knew where the Harder LLP attorneys, procured by Donald Trump’s team, likely lifted their (dare we say weak) legal strategy in this latest attempt to silence and dismiss not only Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford, but her super lawyer Michael Avenatti as well

As you can see in the post below from – the White Supremacist, Neo-Nazi, KKK, pornography and pedophile’s rights defense attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group clearly outlined nearly point by point on the legal discussion website exactly how to construct an Anti-Slapp defense against Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford in late April of 2018.

Honestly, we are surprised that Donald Trump’s team hasn’t simply hired Randazza Legal Group directly at this phase…

Upon our team reading through the motion filed by the lawyers of Harder LLP, we discovered that simply due to their lack of knowledge in regards to the inner workings of, mechanics of and mentality within the American pornographic industry – their argument is majorly flawed. On page 16, the motion specifically states the following:

Texas law is clear that merely stating that someone has made a false statement
is not defamation per se. In Hancock v. Variyam, 400 S.W.3d 59, 67 (Tex. 2013),
the Texas Supreme Court held that statements that the plaintiff lacked veracity and
dealt in half-truths were not defamatory per se, because they did not injure the
plaintiff in his vocation as a physician. Similarly, there is nothing about Plaintiff’s
career as an adult entertainer that requires a reputation for honesty.

Actually the plaintiff, Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Cliffords’ entire career as a pornstar is specifically based on her ability to be honest and her reputation of being honest – specifically due to the fact that it is imperative that every pornstar within the American pornographic industry is expected to be honest with their scene partners about their STD (sexually transmitted disease) status.

A pornstar’s reputation for being honest about their STD status is likely one of the most integral elements to being a pornstar.  In the recent past, adult performers such as Mr. Marcus have been sentenced to jail for their dishonesty in regards to their STD status – and their careers were consequently ruined. 

Donald Trump’s verbal statements and social media posts which call Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford’s “honesty” into question could dramatically negatively effect her future earnings. There are many blind followers of Donald Trump within the pornography industry (such as porn blogger Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL of The Real Pornwikileaks and defunct male pornstar who founded Pornwikileaks) who’s opinion of Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford has been drastically lowered due to Trump falsely stating that she was dishonest in regards to her claims.  Some of her peers who may have believed Donald Trump to be telling the truth about her inability to be honest, may still currently be unwilling to work with her in a sexual capacity due to fear of being exposed to a deadly STD.

Without a doubt Stormy Daniels aka Stephanie Clifford is entitled to damages due to that element alone…

via (click here for the full post on the original source)

Randazza: Stormy v. Trump: Anti-SLAPP thru DÉPEÇAGE MOTHERFUCKER!!!

First Stormy Daniels tried to blame Tom Brady for threatening her. And now this…

Today, Stephanie Clifford, aka Stormy Daniels, sued Donald Trump in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. See Clifford v. Trump, Case No. 1:18-cv-03842 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 30, 2018). The complaint is short (which is surprising given how stupid it is) and centers on a tweet Trump wrote after Stormy published a sketch she commissioned of the unidentified man she claims threatened her to keep quiet about her alleged sexual affair with Trump.

Specifically, Trump called the sketch and Stormy’s related allegations a “con job,” which Stormy alleges is defamatory. Ken has written enough about the merits, so I will just refer you to Ken’s post. If you don’t want to read it, just suffice to say the Complaint is weaker than that pink drink you bought for the stripper last time you got dragged to a champagne room, you fucking rube.

So since Ken wrote about the fun shit, I’ll just give you a primer on why Trump most likely can invoke the Texas Anti-SLAPP statute, even though the case was filed in the Southern District of New York. This is good shit for anyone who finds that a censorious asshat from a state with a good Anti-SLAPP statute decides to file in an alternate forum, presumably to avoid the Anti-SLAPP consequences.

New York does not have a strong Anti-SLAPP statute. This is most unfortunate, as the defendants in l’affair du Rakofsky will tell you. It is sorta funny that New York doesn’t have one, what with all the so-called media companies based there. You would think they would be able to hire some decent lobbyists one of these decades.

But I digress…

Stormy lives in Texas, which has a strong Anti-SLAPP statute. See Tex. Civ. Prac. & Rem. Code Ann. §§ 27.001-27.011, aka the Texas Citizens Participation Act (“TCPA”). Similar to the California and Nevada Anti-SLAPP statutes, the TCPA allows a defendant to bring a special motion to dismiss any claim that “is based on, relates to, or is in response to the party’s exercise of . . . the right to free speech.” TCPA, § 27.003(a). If the motion is granted, the court is required to grant the defendant’s costs and attorneys’ fees, as well as impose sanctions against the plaintiff. Id. at § 27.009(a).

Stormy’s claim is based on Trump’s exercise of his free speech rights. Trump was writing on a public forum about a highly publicized dispute. The dispute would have been a matter of public concern anyhow, but Clifford and her attorney have fluffed the public relations value of this case like nobody has fluffed anything since the invention of Viagra (which made the fluffery sciences as a porn career go the way of the buggy whip)

The Southern District of New York has subject matter jurisdiction over Clifford’s claims because the parties are citizens of different states and she is alleging damages of over $75,000; this basis for subject-matter jurisdiction is called “diversity jurisdiction.” In diversity cases where there is a conflict between the laws of the states of the parties, the federal court has to determine which state’s laws to apply. New York federal courts will use a multi-factor test to determine which state has the “most significant relationship” to the legal dispute, and will use that state’s laws.

To make things even more complicated, choice of law is determined on an issue-by-issue basis, meaning that the court could decide that Texas law should apply for some issues, while New York law should apply for others. Now drop your foie gras and grab your baguettes, because you’re gonna learn some French today, whether you like it or not.

This issue-by-issue determination is known as dépeçage. When you say dépeçage, you should yell it out really loud followed by “motherfucker!”


For the purposes of Stormy’s case, Trump is a citizen of New York. Courts presume that the state where the plaintiff’s injuries occurred is the state with the most significant relationship to the suit. That means there is a strong argument for Texas law to be applied. Stormy may prefer this when establishing the merits of her claim, since the New York Constitution is more protective of free speech than the U.S. or Texas Constitutions. This would be a double-edged sword for her, though, since it would open the door to Trump using the TCPA. Nevertheless, she may not be able to avoid the TCPA even if she insists on applying New York law. And, dépeçage motherfucker! The court may apply both laws – just New York law to some parts of the claim and Texas law to other parts of the claim.

click here to continue reading this on the original source

via Business Insider

Trump’s lawyers are citing free speech as a reason Stormy Daniels’ defamation suit should be tossed

President Donald Trump’s lawyers want to squash a defamation lawsuit filed against him by the adult-film star Stormy Daniels, arguing that it “chills the president’s free speech.”

Trump’s team filed a motion in a Los Angeles court this week requesting that the court dismiss the lawsuit. The president’s lawyers also claim that Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, benefited financially from her “highly publicized” interactions with the president.

Clifford, who has said she and Trump had an affair in 2006, claimed a man she did not know approached her in Las Vegas in 2011 and told her to keep quiet about her story.

She said the man told her to “leave Trump alone” and made veiled threats at her in the presence of her then-infant daughter.

Trump has publicly dismissed her claims, calling them “a total con job.”

“This suit is designed to chill the President’s free speech rights on matters of public opinion,” Trump’s legal team said.

“Plaintiff has capitalized on her dispute with the president, embarking on a nationwide tour of adult live entertainment venues (a.k.a. strip clubs) for which she admittedly is being paid at least four times her normal appearance fee because of her public controversy with the president.”

The motion also cited Daniels’ career as a slight to her credibility. “There is nothing about Plaintiff’s career as an adult entertainer that requires a reputation for honesty,” the motion said.

Click here to read the full article on it’s original source.