What’s the “go to” LIE pimps & other unethical porn professionals utilize against strong women they fear or can’t control? They claim such women are “infertile” or “barren” – LEARN WHY! It’s time to STERILIZE these criminals…
September 19, 2018 Off By PNTLIVEPNT commentary: We’d like to thank Alexandra Mayers for addressing this issue. Considering how many male pornographers, pimps, agents and other (often misogynistic) porn industry “professionals” view women as only being good for sex, breeding or making them money – it’s high time that the public learn the truth of how such males only chance at long term survival is to TRICK a target (often a young woman new to the adult entertainment industry) into allowing them to impregnate her…only to later utilize the newborn child as a human shield and leverage against their target (the child’s mother) to further exploit and control her.
Alexandra Mayers is not barren – but it’s time for the porn industry pimps, agents, performers & producers & bloggers (many who support Trump) making the false claim to be sterilized
The “go to” insult pimps, pornographers and others tied to sex trafficking use against strong women they are intimidated by is to claim such women are “barren”. Alexandra Mayers is not “barren” (she simply embodies self control and will not have children unless SHE wants to) – but it’s time for the porn industry pimps, agents, performers & producers & bloggers (many who support Trump) making the false claim to be sterilized. Why? Because males linked to pornography and sex trafficking often use their children as human shields, a way to leave off the welfare system, a way to stay in the United States of America, and a mechanism to enslave their child’s mother in the sex trade.
Learn more about how supportive men in the pornography industry often are of Donald Trump here…
Sterilization of these criminals who abuse women is the key to improving humanity’s future.