Dwight Cunningham aka Dave of The Luxury Companion – why is his name all over Pornwikileaks? Did he really post this threat?

Dwight Cunningham aka Dave of The Luxury Companion – why is his name all over Pornwikileaks? Did he really post this threat?

September 24, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: As of current is seems that “Dave” aka Dwight Cunningham of The Luxury Companion holds tremendous influence over the blog MikeSouth.com (which was founded by porn industry veteran blogger Michael Strother) via a woman said to work for him known as Kelli Roberts (@MissKellixxx). In addition Cunningham is rumored to have fronted money to Sean Tompkins aka @TRPWL for the purchase of LukeIsBack.com

Strangely Dwight Cunningham’s name seems to appear frequently throughout the racist, homophobic and misogynistic online hate crime (which targets pornstars and their families) known as Pornwikileaks.

As of current, The Luxury Companion is named in a California Labor Board complaint against LA Direct Models filed by porn industry attorney Gelbard.

Did “Dave” aka Dwight Cunningham actually write the post screen capped below?

More information in regards to Cunningham can be found on the following links:

Pornstar Charlotte Cross questions: Does Dave of The Luxury Companion control all the porn industry bloggers?


PART 2: The Luxury Companion – Dave’s Real Name is Dwight Cunningham? How Does TLC Avoid Legal Trouble?

The Luxury Companion – Dave’s Real Name is Dwight Cunningham? How Does TLC Avoid Legal Trouble