lawyer Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group and InfoWars has had his law license SUSPENDED in Nevada
October 15, 2018PNT commentary: This is not surprising to the Porn News Today collective at all considering how heavily the American pornography industry’s most notorious racist, homophobic and misogynistic hate crime known as Pornwikileaks has promoted, supported and endorsed porn lawyer Marc Randazza over the years… When you’re in bed with individuals such as the criminal founder of Pornwikileaks, adult industry bully Kelli Roberts, social media stalker Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL, pimp Dennis Hof, neo-nazi Andrew Anglin & white supremacist Jared Taylor life ultimately will not work out well for you.
In addition, it likely didn’t help Randazza’s situation that hate crime websites and blogs have used his name to bully, slander and libel the political activist, attorney and probable Presidential candidate Michael Avenatti.
Via @FightCopyTrolls on Twitter.com:
Marc Randazza’s law license was conditionally suspended for 12 months, stayed for 18 months.
It’s imperative that Randazza STAY OUT OF TROUBLE for a while (at least according to the Legal Profession Prof.), but CAN he considering all the troublemakers he affiliates with? Only time will tell… For further explanation and analysis of Randazza’s suspension click this link (or view the video podcast at the bottom of this post).