Donald Trump publicly bullies pornstar Stormy Daniels by calling her “Horseface” on Twitter

Donald Trump publicly bullies pornstar Stormy Daniels by calling her “Horseface” on Twitter

October 18, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

horse face shy love mike south insult 01PNT commentary: Ironically porn industry bloggers and bullies have labeled pornstar and business woman Shy Love something similar for many years… Something is VERY wrong when the President of the United States embodies the same immature and misogynistic mentality of a certain type of pornographer.

Keeping up with politics nowadays and witnessing the way women are being regarded by a multitude of politicians is akin to watching a live action political edition of the racist and misogynistic hate crime Pornwikileaks (which as of current is attacking Stormy Daniel’s attorney Michael Avenatti – which shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anyone being that The Pornwikileaks Founder is a very verbal Trump supporter).