Attention powers that be linked to the pornography industry – Dale Dabone (one of your best of all time) needs your help. YOU OWE HIM

Attention powers that be linked to the pornography industry – Dale Dabone (one of your best of all time) needs your help. YOU OWE HIM

October 25, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: This is a situation which brings to light how those who are the “powers that be” and the “haves” within the pornography industry who have made countless dollars off of the performers have not understood the concept of GRATITUDE. Hopefully those who are in the position to help the man formerly known as Dale Dabone will do so.

spotted on APAG union leader Ruby’s Twitter account @Jraxxx

Click here to help Dale via his GoFundme page

I was in the adult Ent. biz, for 15 years. Gave my soul sort a speak. When I left, I went to EMT, and nursing school, then tactical weapons training school, D and G license,  even bar tending school…Every job I got after graduating, I would lose the job over my past porn career. Its been 7 years of this, always getting depressed over losing another job. Well, I finally found a job that knows about my past and accepts it..But, its a long move for me to make..I an NOT prepared for this move at all..They want me to start in a matter of days..I would really be starting over in life, from scratch. I do not even have furniture.. And I am going through a breakup.I really need money for this life changing move..Not sure what I can give in return, maybe autographed pics that Axel Braun told me he would help me get…You people would really be helping me start a new life.You have NO idea how hard life is after porn…Its a daily struggle that I cannot fully explain. Pride swallowing, ego losing, hope shattering life..I wanna change that with your help..Thank you…DD

A few thoughts from PNT founder and contributor Alex Mayers relating to how at times everyone who’s experienced some trauma (be it from within the porn industry or otherwise) needs to take a break (if possible) – and why they should not be judged for needing to do so.