Dispelling white nationalist David Duke’s Anti-Semitic tales of the American porn industry being controlled by the Jewish. In actuality WHITE people control the industry.
October 29, 2018WHAT IS WHITE? Is “creepy porn lawyer” white nationalist code created by David Duke? The porn industry is controlled by wealthy whites, NOT the Jewish people
Alexandra Mayers shares her concerns and observations in regards to attorney Michael Avenatti being fraudulently labeled a “creepy porn lawyer” by politicians and public figures who appear to be following a lingual code and character assassination aka “dog whistle” blueprint designed by white nationalist David Duke.
In addition Alexandra outlines the fact of how the American pornography industry is controlled by white Americans – it is NOT controlled by the Jewish people.
Alexandra Mayers shares a list of the American WHITES who (from her perspective) control and is of great influence within the American porn industry (many of the individuals appear not to support Avenatti):
Steve Hirsch, Derek Hay, Mark Schechter, Mark Spiegler, Sandra of OC modeling, Kelly Holland of Penthouse, Michael Fattorosi, Marc Randazza, Dennis Hof, Larry Flynt, Hugh Hefner, Holly Randall, Suze Randall, Axel Braun, Will Ryder, Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL, Eric Paul Leue director of the Free Speech Coalition.