October 29, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE
It is an unfortunate yet common practice in the adult industry for performers to seek treatment for STI’s outside of our testing protocol. Whether it was our AIM testing system, or now FSC Pass, too many performers will seek treatment when concerned about having an STI instead of retesting. The number one reason for this isn’t lack of concern for other performers, but in actuality it’s the costs of the testing and treatments that prevent performers from notifying others when they are ill.  As a performer, your health and safety should be a priority for all, including those who handle your testing.
With rising costs of testing, and complete lack of producer financial responsibility, performers are left holding massive bills for testing, retesting, and medication. Instead of pretending the financial problems don’t exist, it’s time we listen to the concerns of the performers. As performers are speaking out over concerns of STI’s on their working sets, the Adult Performers Actors Guild has stepped up to help performers receive health insurance in the states they live in. Having access to healthcare for performers can ease the financial burden our industry has placed upon them. We urge all performers to contact us so we can help you and your families get the healthcare and treatment necessary.
Pretending a problem doesn’t exist will not help anyone, especially our performers. The CDC has  reported a rise in STI’s such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphillis, so it is not a surprise that performers are seeing a rise of infection on set.  FSCPASS  is not a government affiliated agency, and unless they show their statistics or raw data, and share who their medical professionals reviewing this data are,  there is no transparency.
  Many STI transmissions are required to be reported to local health department authorities and epidemiologist. All reportable conditions are monitored by expert health departments to prevent the spread of the diseases. FSCPASS does not have the legal authority and has not produced any scientific data to support their claims. It is irresponsible to not allow a performer to be fully informed of their risk of infection. Performers are best treated by a medical professional responsible for their care and not a lab blindly dispensing medications. It is a disservice to the adult industry for FSCPASS to make statements without proof or evidence to support their claim.
To get more information about our programs, health insurance, and organizing the adult industry, visit Adult Performers Actors Guild All officers, board members, legal counsel and medical staff are unpaid volunteers working together to better our industry.
From the Officers and Board of the Adult Performers Actors Guild
President Alana Evans
Vice President Jennifer “Ruby” Allbaugh
Secretary/Treasurer Kelly Pierce
Sergeant at Arms Amber Lynn
Board Member India Morel
Board Member Aali Kali
Board Member Tony Tedeschi
Senior Counsel James Felton
Medical Adviser Dr. Jason Goldman
Parliamentarian Jorge Reano