Racists and Trump Supporters like @BillFromIraq are the only jerks reading the porn blog attained by an operator of The Luxury Companion

Racists and Trump Supporters like @BillFromIraq are the only jerks reading the porn blog attained by an operator of The Luxury Companion

November 17, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT Commentary: Once upon a time Michael Strother’s porn industry blog was a valid source of current news and information pertaining to America’s pornography industry… However nowadays (in the opinion of the Porn News Today Collective) Strother’s blog (which was unjustly attained via a lawsuit launched by an operator of The Luxury Companion – a pornstar escort pimp ring) it seems the blog has devolved into nothing more than a trashy gossip rag for KKK supporting racists, irrational Trump supporters and men who appear to hate women in general.

It is suspected that @BillFromIraq is one of the website’s anonymous contributing authors (which is no surprise considering his social media activity and bullying of ex pornstars who have aspirations of becoming lawyers). It’s highly suggested at this stage that the porn industry as a whole be wary in regards to anyone who may contact you from the Twitter account @mikesouthxxx.

Gotta wonder if Bill was wearing a white robe and pointed hood while posting this tweet.

Gotta wonder if Bill was wearing a white robe and pointed hood while posting this tweet.
Steer clear of this one Black pornstars.