Pornstar Honey Gold attempted suicide but now she’s getting mental health treatment – VIDEO

Pornstar Honey Gold attempted suicide but now she’s getting mental health treatment – VIDEO

December 1, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: It’s important for performers to keep in mind that when it comes to emotional support – the APAG UNION is able to direct them to resources.


A porn star who survived a recent suicide attempt is getting help after friends, fans and fellow performers launched a campaign to pay for mental health treatment.

Honey Gold, 25, tweeted on Saturday that she was “struggling with my mental health and trying to deal with the trauma caused by things that have happened in my past.”

“I have come to realize they are affecting my life more than I realized. I recognize that I now need to get extensive help. The program I need to recover is beyond my financial capabilities and I need to get help before it is too late again.”

A follow-up tweet written on her behalf further explained Gold’s predicament: “Honey has struggled with mental health as many of us do and recently she attempted to take her own life. She is alive and okay, but needs intensive care and mental health care, which is very expensive.”