Pornstars & Sex Workers, CAN YOU DIFFERENTIATE between a Mr. Wrong and a Mr. Right? Many of you would be far happier in life if you could – so the Freedom Programme is here to help!

Pornstars & Sex Workers, CAN YOU DIFFERENTIATE between a Mr. Wrong and a Mr. Right? Many of you would be far happier in life if you could – so the Freedom Programme is here to help!

December 28, 2018 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: The Porn News Today collective is VERY impressed with the information has put together for adult performers, sex workers, pornstars and women in general when it comes to learning the difference between an abusive man versus a loving and psychologically healthy man.

Unfortunately today’s porn industry is a magnet for toxic men – not only do women in the industry often attract abusive boyfriends or husbands – but at times male professionals in the industry they may encounter (agents, publicists, directors, producers, pimps) treat women badly as well.

Many members of the adult entertainment industry world wide find themselves in dangerous (sometimes deadly) situations due to not having a proper understanding of what a healthy relationship (personal or professional) looks like (or is).

In the video below Alex Mayers of the Porn News Today collective reviews information from @FreedomProgramm in regards to differentiating between Mr. Wrong and Mr. Right.