Holly Randall conducted some incredibly interesting interviews throughout 2018

Holly Randall conducted some incredibly interesting interviews throughout 2018

January 8, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

Commentary submitted to the PNT collective by Alex Mayers: Years ago, before the Porn News Today Collective was conceived (and long before I became a porn industry blogger) I was an aspiring adult actress – but ironically, after only shooting about 5 scenes I ALMOST gave up on my dreams to continue acting in adult movies… Why? Because I met Holly Randall.

I only met and spoke with Holly briefly. She took a few test photographs of me at her ranch and that was all.  I remember that day quite clearly though because I had a hell of a time getting out to her ranch from the motel in the San Fernando Valley I was staying in while I was in Los Angeles shooting for the first time with my agent Brian Berke of Giirlzinc (which today is AMA Worldwide).  I hadn’t rented a car on that first trip out to work in the industry, so a friend I’d known for years offered to give me a ride to her ranch being that Brian had tried to discourage me from meeting with Holly.

Looking back, my friend who drove me (a guy who was my age that I knew from Florida but who had traveled out to California the same time I was there) likely only drove me out to meet with Holly because he knew how badly I wanted to “make it” as an adult actress. Sometimes today, I suspect that he was only out in California from Florida to check on me to insure that I was safe and OK.

Upon meeting Holly, from my perspective she was rather cold – and a few days later she informed me that my look was absolutely NOT what her clients were looking for. At that time, I was devastated… especially because around that same time I’d discovered some porn industry related forums where someone who’d seen my photographs (not the ones Holly took, but my casting photos from Brian’s agency website) equated my look to that of a “monkey”.  That time of my life was my first awakening to the reality of the racism that exists within the American porn industry culture.

In hindsight, Holly’s rejection was in actuality her doing me quite a big favor… Without a doubt my not working with her was a blessing in disguise because she was correct – I (a performer who was known as Monica Foster at the time) was completely WRONG for all that the American porn industry was (and today is). My look was absolutely not what her clients were seeking and neither was who I am as a person.

Of course being as ambitious of an individual as I am, even all those years ago I didn’t take Holly’s words to heart for long and I wound up being cast in a few scenes later, which today, I don’t regret having taken part in. I learned a lot throughout my stint as an adult actress… but in the end, I found that my place in life is not that of being a pornstar. As I’ve matured into a solid woman, I’ve found that I’m far too much of a classical artist and intellectual to find happiness or fulfillment within today’s adult industry.

I don’t dislike Holly Randall (nor do I harbor any ill will towards her) – I actually find her to be absolutely fascinating being that she is probably one of the most unique situations within the American pornography industry. It’s a rare occurrence that an individual is literally BORN into the pornographic industry – and an even rarer occurrence for an individual who is, to remain within that world upon reaching full adulthood…but Holly is that needle in a haystack.

About 5 years ago I’d say that her male counterpart would be Rob Black aka Rob Zicari – but Zicari in the end decided to leave the adult industry behind a couple of years ago. I suspect it was due to not being treated by the industry as kindly as Holly has been…or maybe it’s because after all he went through (and upon becoming a parent) he finally matured into a solid man.

Holly Randall is the daughter of pornographer and photographer Suze Randall. Everything she is and everything she does is built upon the foundation that her mother laid out many years ago.  The irony of Holly’s case, is that as much as Holly DOES know about the adult industry – the one thing she doesn’t know or completely understand (and never will know due to it being an impossibility) is what it is REALLY LIKE to be a performer who enters that world completely naive as to it’s truths.

It appears that Holly Randall today is attempting to attain an idea of what she doesn’t know however – through her video podcast “Holly Randall Unfiltered”. Throughout 2018 she conducted some incredibly interesting interviews with guests who’ve been a part of the network within the industry that her mother Suze Randall cultivated for decades – interviews which I personally hope Holly continues to produce – especially considering the situation revolving around the pornstar known as August Ames.