HYPOCRISY ALERT: Why has Jaxton Wheeler been condemned, whereas Will Ryder received a PASS after issuing a DEATH WISH upon a Black female pornstar? Is it due to Ryder being protected by the “STRAIGHT” HOMOPHOBIC & RACIST “side” of the industry?

HYPOCRISY ALERT: Why has Jaxton Wheeler been condemned, whereas Will Ryder received a PASS after issuing a DEATH WISH upon a Black female pornstar? Is it due to Ryder being protected by the “STRAIGHT” HOMOPHOBIC & RACIST “side” of the industry?

January 8, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: In 2011 pornographer Will Ryder (who has been known for his public homophobic rants and racist business practices over the years) issued a death wish within the public comments of a widely read porn industry gossip blog called LukeIsBack upon retired pornstar Monica Foster aka Alexandra Mayers (the founder of PornNewsToday.com and a member of the Porn News Today collective). Within Will Ryder’s comment he fraudulently labels her a “liar” and bullies her by labeling her “trash”. Why? Due to her publicly stating at that time that she felt that she was sexually violated (raped) by one of Ryder’s acquaintances at the time known as Chase Styles and due to her concern over his depiction of underage children having sex in his adult parody Not The Cosbys XXX.

Kathy Griffin speaks up about males not caring about the well being of Black females in America

The events which transpired against Alexandra in the years following Ryder’s comments created what Jon Ronson of “The Last Days of August” defines as an online “pile on” upon Alexandra. Several other figures who were (and still are) linked to the American porn industry sided with Ryder (though he was doing no more than attempting to bully her into silence and cover his own unethical behavior) and essentially normalized the mantra of Alexandra being “crazy”, “mentally ill”, “bitter”, “racist”, “evil”, etc.

Alexandra was bullied by Will Ryder and his associates (one of which is one being the founder of Pornwikileaks) to such an extent that she nearly ended her life via suicide… but due to her family’s love and support she did not.

Bottom line – today’s American porn industry has an unspoken double standard and extreme practice of racist, homophobic and misogynistic hypocrisy when it comes to who is singled out for their wrongs versus who is not.

In Jon Ronson’s recently released podcast “The Last Days of August” it is made CLEAR that August Ames NEVER READ THE TWEET that Jaxton Wheeler directed towards her. In fact, she was already declared as dead for approximately 3 hours BEFORE he posted it. In contrast, Monica Foster aka Alexandra Mayers was very much alive when Will Ryder posted his death wish directed towards her on LukeIsBack. She’s been very much alive for years as Ryder’s associates Michael Whiteacre aka Ari Bass and Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL bullied her extensively on social media and on their blogs in regards to her appearance, her father being a proud openly gay man, and her choice to speak out against the abuse and unethical activity she and her peers within the adult industry have suffered.

Alexandra Mayers has been so alive, that she filed a court case against Ryder’s friend the Founder of Pornwikileaks in regards to his racist and homophobic rants on his hate websites and social media labeling Alexandra, her mother and a multitude of others “fag hags”, “monkeys”, “n*ggers”, and a plethora of other hateful terms meant to incite violence and tarnish their reputations.

Had Alexandra Mayers not been a Black female or supportive of LGBT equality would the American pornographic industry have given Will Ryder a pass for the hate he cultivated against Alexandra? If Will Ryder performed in and produced content for the “Gay side” of the industry rather than the “straight side” would he have been banned from the Adult Entertainment Expo and Awards as Jaxton Wheeler was? Had Alexandra Mayers chosen NOT to speak out in regards to Will Ryder associating with what she views as rapists and individuals tied to organized crime, would he have not encouraged his peers to attempt to drive her over the edge?

Ironically, today – Will Ryder is promoted and even glorified quite often on the Pornwikileaks hate crime venue as you can see in the screen caps below – just as he’s featured on an “industry news blog” known as MikeSouth which continues to attempt to mark Jaxton as a scapegoat in regards to August Ames death… Is that just a coincidence? The Porn News Today collective thinks not.