Pornstars, forget a No List focus on a Yes List – every adult actress can be like Jessica Drake if they stand their ground & say no to misogyny

Pornstars, forget a No List focus on a Yes List – every adult actress can be like Jessica Drake if they stand their ground & say no to misogyny

January 11, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

Alexandra Mayers just had an epiphany in regards to something every female pornstar / adult actress needs to at least consider (thanks to a new friend Alexandra connected with on social media)…

Pornstars, forget the “No List” – replace it with a “Yes List”.

The reality is the newer you are to the American pornography industry, the more power you have. So it’s important from the start you stand your ground to retain it. Remember, the biggest LIE in the adult industry is that you need them opposed to them needing you (new people & fresh content is established porn professional’s LIFELINE).

Why is a “no list” more of a commonality opposed to a “yes list”? Likely due to the industry being based on a misogynistic mentality – but that can change! Alexandra believes today’s camgirls transitioning into the industry are already changing it…

In everyday civilian life men have to earn there way onto a woman’s “yes list” more often than not – so why not in the pornography industry?

What Alexandra Mayers proposes in this podcast would likely change the content produced in industry for the better and would shift the trend from content based on violence and humiliation to that depicting consensual sex with a more loving tone.

There is no reason for adult actresses and pornstars to be jealous of Jessica Drake due to her choice to only work with a select few men… Anyone can enjoy the short Yes List that Jessica Drake does if they aggressively take their personal power and stand their ground to retain it.