Stormy Daniels Will Troll Michael Cohen at His Congressional Hearing – IN PERSON

Stormy Daniels Will Troll Michael Cohen at His Congressional Hearing – IN PERSON

January 14, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT Commentary: On the SURFACE this seems like a fun (and historic) move, but the Porn News Today collective suspects that in actuality – this is NOT the best idea in the long run… Primarily due to a lawyer known as Keith M. Davidson remaining (strangely) in the background…

Though the PNT collective doesn’t agree with everything Michael Avenatti says (or all of the moves he’s made), we do feel that he comes from a place of good intention – which is what’s most important. Americans as a whole in today’s political climate (namely those in the adult industry) – should pay close attention to certain point he’s made (as Alex Mayers points out in the podcast below) in one of his most recent tweets).


Stormy Daniels, the adult film star who was paid $130,000 before the 2016 election in exchange for her silence about her affair with Donald Trump, will appear in person at Michael Cohen’s upcoming testimony before the U.S. Congress.

Michael Avenatti, the bombastic lawyer who represents Daniels, announced that they will attend the hearing, adding, “Which is only appropriate seeing as it would have never happened but for Stormy Daniels.”

In recent court proceedings and filings, Cohen admitted that he paid Daniels and former Playboy playmate Karen McDougal large sums of hush money at the behest of then-candidate Donald Trump to keep their 2006 affair a secret. The payment constituted a campaign finance violation. Cohen has been sentenced to 36 months in prison as a result of the finance violation in addition to tax fraud and making false statements to a bank. The judge during sentencing called Cohen’s crimes “a veritable smorgasbord of fraudulent conduct.”

In court, Cohen admitted his guilt, saying, “I take full responsibility for each act that I pled guilty to: The personal ones to me and those involving the President of the United States of America.”