Beware male pornstars – Mr. Marcus is banned from all AVN media events & you could be next if blogger Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL develops a crush on you. Watch out Marcus London!

Beware male pornstars – Mr. Marcus is banned from all AVN media events & you could be next if blogger Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL develops a crush on you. Watch out Marcus London!

January 26, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: There is something very odd going on in regards to porn industry “top blogger” Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL. It seems that every male pornstar and/or male porn industry professional who he develops a crush on that rejects his advances suddenly finds themselves being bullied and/or experiences career difficulties.

Over the years Sean Tompkins has had a HUGE crush on male pornstar Mr. Marcus. Marcus of course was civil with Sean, but he clearly had no interest in being his BFF (or more). Cut to today and Mr. Marcus is completely banned for life from all AVN media events and conventions.

As of late, Sean Tompkins has fixated on Marcus London – a male pornstar who is very well liked, is an established industry veteran and has transitioned into the mainstream spotlight via his link to Hollywood actor Tom Cruise.

Over the past week or so Tompkins has extensively bullied London (on both social media and on his website) in what appears to be an attempt to incite London to threaten him with physical violence (which would be grounds for the AVN media network to potentially ban him as they have Mr. Marcus).

The question is, why is porn blogger Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL – a man who has stalked, bullied and threatened several female pornstars (active and retired) over the years – and a man who is in a business partnership with the founder of the porn industry hate crime Pornwikileaks not banned from all the AVN media events? Especially considering that his very presence and easily traced history is a blatant violation of the AVN Code of Conduct? Something is clearly not right.