Porn attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is in the middle of the Mueller probe in regards to Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, Roger Stone & Wikileaks

Porn attorney Marc Randazza of Randazza Legal Group is in the middle of the Mueller probe in regards to Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, Roger Stone & Wikileaks

January 26, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

It doesn’t seem Randazza has been able to tweet since Dec 7, 2018

PNT commentary: It’s important to note that Marc Randazza (who was the deceased legal pimp and Republican political candidate Dennis Hof’s final attorney) has advised the racist and homophobic hate crime Pornwikileaks founder, has represented prominant Neo Nazi Andrew Anglin, Represented White Supremacist Jared Taylor and has represented The Satanic Temple.

As of current he’s in the middle of the Mueller probe due to his representation of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Randazza has not tweeted since December 7th, 2018

via (click here for the full article)

After The Washington Post made inquiries about the payments last week, Corsi said he learned from Alex Jones’s father, David, that the payments would stop, according to a legal complaint Corsi filed this week against The Post.

An Infowars attorney disputed that, saying that Corsi was fired in June and was paid the remainder of a one-year contract that ended this month. His Infowars pay had already been scheduled to end this month, the attorney said.

“Any claim that he stopped receiving those payments because of The Washington Post asking questions does not appear to be supported by any facts I know of,” Infowars attorney Marc Randazza said.

In a letter to Corsi dated Jan. 18 — a day after The Post first interviewed him — David Jones wrote that he had agreed to pay the remainder of Corsi’s contract after he was terminated in June “because of our history and contract considerations.”

Would Hof still be alive had he not had contact with Roger Stone and/or Randazza?

[Roger] Stone’s tweet was one of several statements he made before the election suggesting he was in contact with Assange and had advance knowledge of WikiLeaks’s plans to release hacked emails — comments now under scrutiny by the special counsel.

Since the election, Stone has insisted he had no contact with Assange and did not know what the group planned. He has denied all wrongdoing and said he has been unfairly targeted by Mueller.

Stone and Corsi’s relationship continued after Trump’s election victory.

Stone suggested that they both go to work for Infowars, Corsi said in an interview. Randazza, the Infowars attorney, told The Post that Corsi was one of about 15 people whom Stone recommended to Jones as possible chiefs of the new Washington bureau for the conspiracy site. Randazza said Jones believed Corsi was the best and most experienced of the list.

Stone became a co-host and frequent commentator on the site, a position he maintains to this day. Corsi got the bureau chief job in Washington.

Corsi, who has a securities license, said he also took an interest in the business operations of the site, approached Alex Jones about financing options for Infowars.

“Alex was not wanting investors,” Corsi said in an interview. “We had some differences. Those differences, over time I think, led to our parting of the ways.”

In the column published by Infowars, Alex Jones wrote that Corsi’s employment with the company ended in June after Corsi’s “failure to adequately establish a Washington bureau, his failure to maintain White House press credentials and his generally poor work performance.”

Corsi said in an interview that he could not remember if he “was fired or I quit.”