Are there HIV Positive (but undetectable) performers cleared for work in the PASS system? The APAG union believes there are – but Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL claims it’s not true.

Are there HIV Positive (but undetectable) performers cleared for work in the PASS system? The APAG union believes there are – but Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL claims it’s not true.

January 27, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: This is a very interesting situation to observe – and a situation that adult performers new to the industry particularly should pay close attention to. This week at the AVN Media Expo a seminar took place in which the Free Speech Coalition ALLEGEDLY announced that they will allow HIV positive performers who are taking their medication (or at least who are at the time they are tested), to be approved in their PASS (STD testing) system.

So in other words, ALLEGEDLY, HIV positive (yet undetectable) adult performers will be cleared by the Free Speech Coalition testing system to work. Theoretically that could include a fairly large population of performers who’ve either had to retire since testing HIV positive (but who want to return to the talent pool) OR who are new to the industry, desire to work as an adult performer but are already HIV positive.

Is this situation really a “big deal” – truthfully it depends on who you are, your perspective, your financial status and how you desire to live your life. Considering recent medical advancements, a person who is HIV positive yet undetectable (who is properly taking their medication) runs a very low risk of transmitting the virus to an HIV negative partner.

Pornwikileaks is essentially Fattorosi’s megaphone

Over the years, relatively uneducated fear mongers linked to Pornwikileaks with agendas rooted in hate and bigotry (such as lawyer Michael Fattorosi) have gone to great lengths to promote negative stigmas about people who’ve acquired HIV (specifically within the LGBT community) on websites they operate such as Pornwikileaks (a venture which ironically led to the closure of the industry’s initial testing clinic AIM).  The efforts of such individuals have severely hurt the efforts of the APAG Union in regards to the issue of how HIV effects the talent pool – because truthfully, all the APAG Union leaders are requesting in regards to the future of STD testing (specifically linked to the matter of HIV) is HONESTY… but as long as the request for HONESTY is interlaced with hate, negative stigma and bigotry – such a request will largely fall on deaf ears and be widely dismissed by those who COULD make a difference – but who embody a rational and modern mindset with little tolerance for bigots and segregationists.

It has been rumored for several years that as of current there are a handful of adult performers actively working in the industry that are HIV positive but undetectable. The current HIV test the PASS system utilizes essentially clears such individuals to work by default if their viral load is low enough (via the use of certain medications). However another type of HIV test the APAG Union leaders would like to become the new industry “standard” is more sensitive – and would reveal an “undetectable” individual with a low viral load as “positive”.

Michael Fattorosi helped Pornwikileaks and it’s founder normalize HIV stigma linked to the LGBT community via his assistance with Pornwikileaks

Desiring medical privacy as a civilian in regards to STD status is perfectly valid, justifiable and understandable. However as an adult industry performer, it seems as though one’s peers do deserve to know the absolute truth of the STD status of who they’re working with – especially being that their body (and health) is their mechanism for earning a living.

It seems that the FSC panel which discussed this issue this week, allegedly announced an option, which would cost extra, that would allow performers to “opt in” to a STD testing panel which would include the more sensitive HIV test the APAG Union suggests – which reveals an “undetectable” HIV positive person as positive.  Considering the overall mentality of the industry performer pool, it would likely be the female performers (most likely who are new to the industry) who would opt into such a test and incur the additional expense – opposed to the males (which DOES feel a bit sexist)…

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Ruby – Vice President of the APAG Union – she has good intention

Strangely, though the Vice President of the APAG Union, Ruby, stated on Twitter today that without a doubt she is aware of HIV positive (but undetectable) performers already cleared in the PASS system – Free Speech Coalition “mouthpiece” Sean Matthew Tompkins aka TRPWL wrote a blog in direct opposition to that claim (which referenced Free Speech Coalition CEO Eric Paul Leue as a source).

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TRPWL Sean Tompkins – he’s basically the Free Speech Coalition’s megaphone

So which is it? Is the Free Speech Coalition already quietly mainstreaming HIV positive undetectable performers into the general talent pool or not? In the grand scheme of things does it REALLY even matter? The Porn News Today collective is impartial at this stage in regards to this issue – primarily due to the attempts of porn industry professionals (who frankly should know better) to normalize unfounded negative HIV stigma, racism, homophobia and bigotry within the industry.