Will Ryder attends the HIV Stigma and Prevention in the Adult Industry seminar and pretends to speak for the performers to push his bigoted & homophobic mentality.
January 29, 2019Remember Will Ryder? You know, the porn director who has a history of stating that he wishes certain adult actresses who were featured in his movies would commit suicide?
Well over this past week, Will ryder showed up to the Free Speech Coalition tied HIV Stigma and Prevention in the Adult Industry seminar to pretend to speak for the performers to push his bigoted & homophobic mentality.
The reality (from the Porn News Today collective’s point of view) when it comes to Will Ryder aka Jeff Mullen SPECIFICALLY, is that in no way shape or form does he speak for any ACTIVE performers within the Los Angeles porn industry talent pool.
Will Ryder merely speaks for his homophobic bigoted buddy the founder of Pornwikileaks AND the various homophobic, racist and misogynistic porn directors like himself – who often enjoy have sexual intercourse OFF CAMERA with the various young female performers they cast in their movies sans barrier protection (such as a condoms) – and often without presenting the young adult actresses they pressure into sex with a full panel test reflecting their own current STD status.
When the FSC / Prep panel took questions from the attendees of the seminar, this is the question Will Ryder asked at the 55 minute and 7 second mark of the video below (and keep in mind, he’s one of the most homophobic, racist and misogynistic male porn directors currently working in the American pornography industry):
“I just have a quick question, I’m a director and not a performer – and because it’s nobody’s business if anybody’s
HIV positive as you said…Speaking for the performers, are they allowed to know if they’re working with
a zero load performer that’s HIV positive? Is that their right or is that not their right? I’m just curious.”
Fortunately Matthew Rose – a man of rational thought and logic who’s entire career is focused on bringing
a close to the negative stigma against those who are HIV positive was present to respond to Ryder (It’s important to add that Matthew has worked for years in the field of human rights in regards to the issue of HIV):

Matthew Rose understand the reality of how HIV stigma can lead to targeted harassment & even murder.
“I’m gonna put it out there, as a person who’s worked in this field, in human rights & with the kinds of people
who have HIV… You don’t know the health conditions of most people you work with in your life. You don’t know when someone has a cold. You don’t know when someone has a bum knee. You don’t know when someone has a sore back. If there is literally no risk to you, you have to wonder WHY do you need to know? And if you create an environment to where someone feels comfortable disclosing, in a world of HIV where I know people who have almost been beaten to death for their status, have been thrown out of their homes, thrown out of villages, arrested, served jail sentences
just because of their status- it’s really hard for them. I just want you to think about that place…
If WE can get to a world where a Chris Rock joke (about HIV) is cool… that’s one thing. But we still live in a world that is very hostile to people living with HIV for things that are not their fault, that they didn’t do, that they have no chance of transmission and yet people make a whole lot of assumptions about their lives…”
Though it does seem extreme from certain perspectives that the FSC is suggesting active performers dose themselves
with medications like Prep, and not feel uncomfortable in working with HIV positive Undetectable performers –
the truth it’s TODAY’S young performers new to the industry often are WILLING TO TAKE THE RISK and take
their chances with THE FSC by trusting what they SUGGEST and ADVISE. A young performer known as Nick Natural for example seems to be one of them:
Appreciate your concern, but I find @FSCArmy to be more credible than any of the other individuals or organizations you have listed. I will take my chances with them. ✌🏽&❤️
— ✖️NickNatural™️🔞✖️ (@NickNaturalxxx) January 28, 2019
In the opinion of the Porn News Today collective, Will Ryder aka Jeff Mullen is the PERFECT candidate for Prep, and he should see a doctor who will prescribe it to him immediately.
It would be fantastic, in fact, if Gilead Pharmaceuticals were to supply Will Ryder aka Jeff Mullen with PRep for the remainder of his lifetime – and make sure he’s fully dosed with it at all times … as he has been known to routinely engage in sexual activity (which COULD be deemed as “risky”) with individuals who are active in the porn industry talent pool.
Mandatory PreP use by Porn industry directors just may save the lives of the young men and women they often trick and/or pressure into sexual situations.
Prep most certainly appears to have saved the life of at least one of the pornstars who spent time with mainstream Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen (who considering his history might as well be labeled an “undetectable pornstar” at this stage).