It appears those opposed to the APAG Union may have the idea of filing SLAPP suits against the Union’s leaders as a tactic to halt the Union’s progress (just a theory)

It appears those opposed to the APAG Union may have the idea of filing SLAPP suits against the Union’s leaders as a tactic to halt the Union’s progress (just a theory)

February 3, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE


pornstar Mercedes Carrera (featured commentator in The Last Days of August) and director Daemon Cins arrested and accused of molesting a 10 year old girl as of 02-06-2019

PNT commentary: Individuals opposed to the Adult Performers Actors Guild Union  just MAY be attempting to accomplish far more via their social media bullying than you’d initially think…


It’s quite possible that the intense social media bullying against the APAG Union leaders (namely the Union’s President Alana Evans and Vice President Ruby) is the first phase of a legal strategy, which has been designed to utilize social media bullying to draw responses (from the Union leaders) which later could potentially be deemed legally as “slander”, “defamation” and/or “libel” (in regards to who they may have responded to on social media) – all in effort to create a foundation to build and file SLAPP suits against the APAG Union leaders (and/or the APAG Union itself).

Mercedes Carrera (who opposes the APAG Union and supports the Free Speech Coalition) bullied the Vice President of the Adult Performers Actors Guild Union (Ruby) extensively for days. When Ruby responded Mercedes' husband Daemon Cins issued a legal threat to Ruby. Ironically the attorney he referenced is a SLAPP suit EXPERT with ties to the Free Speech Coalition.

Mercedes Carrera (who opposes the APAG Union and supports the Free Speech Coalition) bullied the Vice President of the Adult Performers Actors Guild Union (Ruby) extensively for days. When Ruby finally responded, Mercedes’ husband Daemon Cins issued a legal threat to Ruby. Ironically the attorney he references is a SLAPP suit EXPERT with ties to the Free Speech Coalition.

First – let’s take a look at exactly what a SLAPP suit is. According to Wikipedia a SLAPP suit is defined as:

strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP) is a lawsuit that is intended to censorintimidate, and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition.[1] Such lawsuits have been made illegal in many jurisdictions on the grounds that they impede freedom of speech.

In the typical SLAPP, the plaintiff does not normally expect to win the lawsuit. The plaintiff’s goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs, or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. In some cases, repeated frivolous litigation against a defendant may raise the cost of directors and officers liability insurance for that party, interfering with an organization’s ability to operate.[2] A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate. A SLAPP is often preceded by a legal threat.

Daemon Cins Mercedes Carrera checking assets

As you can see in the screen cap above, Daemon Cins (a Free Speech Coalition supporter, husband of Mercedes Carrera and close friend of SLAPP suit legal expert Marc Randazza) has been looking into the assets of at least one of the APAG Union leaders. The question is, has he been looking into the President of the Union’s assets as well? Is that why his wife has been bullying her too?

Marc Randazza with his "Eskimo Brother" Daemon Cins & his close friend Mercedes Carrera

Marc Randazza with his “Eskimo Brother” Daemon Cins & his close friend Mercedes Carrera

Now allow the PNT Collective to quickly take you through the script of our theory:

Enter Marc Randazza – a pornography industry attorney who experienced a bit of difficulty attaining the privilege to practice law considering his initial failure of the State Bar exam Ethics Test (as reported by the Huffington Post). A man who has a history of working closely with the Free Speech Coalition, who is known for defending Neo Nazi Trolls and social media bullies such as Andrew Anglin and who has been heavily involved in SLAPP (and ANTI-SLAPP) suit legislation for several years.

Randazza’s likely associates within the Free Speech Coalition have an interest in maintaining control over the adult performer STD testing – therefor they oppose the APAG Union’s presence and efforts.

The Free Speech Coalition members run a risk of being charged with violating the law and “Union Busting” should they attack the leaders and/or members of the APAG Union themselves directly, so in a situation such as this Randazza likely was contacted to take action on their behalf (as he has a history of filing strategic lawsuits against individuals who the FSC takes issue with).

Marc Randazza Marco Randazza Randazza Legal Group Daemon Cins eskimo brotherIn the past Randazza has been known to use his ex wife as the plaintiff in lawsuits he’s apparently designed to intimidate, harass and silence his associates’ opposition (and tie them up in court for years). However, Randazza is allegedly divorced now (filed in June of 2015) – so who does he turn to for help? None other than his “Eskimo Brother” Daemon Cins, along with Daemon’s wife (who Randazza appears to have a close relationship with) Mercedes Carrera.

As of current Mercedes Carrera is NOT a Free Speech Coalition member (only a supporter) so she is (in theory) an ideal person to play the role of a Plaintiff for a Randazza Legal Group formulated lawsuit (because from a court’s perspective she’s unaffiliated with the Free Speech Coalition – so the likelihood of the FSC being investigated for “Union Busting” is minimal).  But the question is – what in the world would Mercedes file a lawsuit in regards to (and which leader or member of the APAG Union would she file a lawsuit against)?

Most likely from Randazza’s perspective, she’d need to file a lawsuit against one of the primary operators of the APAG Union in order to “cripple” or “disable” the union all together… so what a better theoretical plan than for Randazza to coach Mercedes (and her “fans”) to intensely (and strategically) bully the two primary union leaders via social media (Twitter) until one of them responds with something…anything… that can legally be deemed as “slander”, “libel” or “defamation” (so that the foundation for a SLAPP suit against the APAG Union leaders can be laid).

Hopefully from this point on, the leaders of the APAG Union will elect to simply not engage on social media with Mercedes Carrera, Daemon Cins and various other “friends” of the FSC.  The less contact the APAG Unions has with that crowd the less of a chance there theoretically is of giving Randazza the ammunition he’d need to file a SLAPP suit against them. Isn’t it amazing that this is the type of world we live in nowadays? A world where one trivial Tweet can land you in court due to a sue happy attorney?

The Porn News Today Collective advises that adult industry professionals as a whole keep their eyes open and utilize extreme caution when dealing with  Randazza, Mercedes Carrera and Daemon Cins (personally and professionally).

marc randazza mercedes carrera

daemon cins marc randazza ari bass