MAJOR Victory for the APAG Union today! Talent Testing Services is adding HIV Antigen/Antibody to the Gold Standard Panel at no additional cost.
February 5, 2019PNT commentary: Today was a MAJOR victory for the Adult Performers Actors Guild Union and ALL adult performers! After much effort, the APAG Union has prompted the adult performer STD testing Talent Testing Services to add HIV Antigen/Antibody to Gold Standard Panel at no additional cost. This is a MAJOR improvement in regards to adult performer health and safety.
Performers! Your complaints have been heard and the change is coming!! TTS/ Talent Testing just announced they will add the antibody test to their gold panel for free!!! Well done @TalentTesting We thank you for caring about performers and their rights!
— Adult Performers Actors Guild (@APAGunion) February 4, 2019
My favorite part of the @TalentTesting announcement… “At this moment we recommend that the Free Speech Coalition direct their Licensed Healthcare Providers to implement the same immediately. ” it’s time! Change has come! well done TTS!!!!
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) February 4, 2019
We won!!!!! https://t.co/SKowwrnKJB
— Ruby the First (@RubytheFirst1) February 4, 2019
Getting Talent Testing to add the test for free is a huge win. Now it’s time to get @FSCPASS to make the change universal. Let’s go @fscarmy make it happen! Performers are telling you this is what the majority wants!
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) February 4, 2019
I must say… after fighting this fight with @APAGunion to make performers aware about the problem with our test, being called a liar repeatedly, called irrelevant, and the constant harassment to shut my mouth, has finally paid off. Today is a wonderful day. Thank you to you all
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) February 4, 2019
via TalentTestingServices.com
As a primary stakeholder in the protection of the health of Adult Performers in the Industry, Talent Testing Service (TTS) has been at the forefront in providing best-in-class testing services since 2005. We have been able to provide these services primarily due to the fact of being highly involved in the developmental process of the ever evolving science of infectious disease testing with our diagnostic and molecular testing partners.
At this moment our data disputes the recent statements circulating, in the Adult Industry, regarding “Undetectable=Untransmittable” since this cannot be proven at a 100% accuracy. We would rephrase this as “Undetectable = Extremely Low Probability of Transmission”. Due to this extremely low probability of transmission, however minute, it is still a risk and we should all err on the side of caution.
Our Quality Assurance (QA) program mandates that we randomly verify through different peer programs the accuracy and specificity of the assays to make sure they are working as expected. In addition to this, our QA program also takes into consideration external factors that may affect the veracity and integrity of the testing program we have in place. As a whole, the QA program is an ever evolving process striving to achieve one goal – the safety of Adult Performers.
After listening to the Industry’s concerns, “Talent Testing Services will not only continue to participate in the peer program described above, but the Gold Standard Panel (GSP) will be enhanced to include the Genetic Systems HIV-1/HIV-2 Plus O EIA. This is an FDA cleared test to detect antibodies against HIV-1, HIV-2 and Group O. This test is being added to the GSP at no additional cost,” said Mr. Sixto Pacheco, President and CEO of Talent Testing Service.
“These changes come after consultations with Talents, Agents and Production companies throughout the industry” said Sixto Pacheco, President & CEO of TTS. “TTS prides itself on being at the forefront of industry leading testing protocols. The new GSP test is in line with our commitment to continuously improve the available safeguards directed at the health of the Talent and the industry as a whole” Pacheco continued.
At this moment we recommend that the Free Speech Coalition direct their Licensed Healthcare Providers to implement the same immediately.
About Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS)
As the leader in setting testing standards for the industry, Talent Testing Service, Inc. (TTS) consistently offers talents safe, courteous, affordable and convenient testing through wholly owned subsidiaries or collaborating sites. Since 2005, TTS has provided the most advanced infectious molecular testing for the adult industry. TTS is a privately held company with headquarters in Miami, Florida and subsidiary offices in Los Angeles, CA, Oakland, CA and Las Vegas, NV.
Miami, FL (Headquarters) (305) 792 2090 / Los Angeles (818) 885 0812
Las Vegas (702) 868-8900 / Oakland (510) 346-5538
Twitter: @talenttesting
Facebook: facebook.com/talenttestingservice