Thanks to Stormy Daniels & Alana Evans not keeping their “trap shut” as Jenna Jameson suggested – politics will never be the same – and Michael Avenatti has MANY questions for Michael Cohen

Thanks to Stormy Daniels & Alana Evans not keeping their “trap shut” as Jenna Jameson suggested – politics will never be the same – and Michael Avenatti has MANY questions for Michael Cohen

February 28, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: It’s VERY telling as to EXACTLY what type of person Jenna Jameson has become over the years via the following statement she made to the press in 2018 on social media:

I actually think it’s career suicide. The left looks at her as a whore and just uses her to try to discredit the president,” Jameson replied. “The right look at her like a treacherous rat. It’s a lose lose. Should have kept her trap shut.

Alana Evans and Stormy Daniels will go down in the history books as women of integrity – who (despite massive intimidation) stood their ground in a tumultuous political climate. Jenna Jameson on the other hand, will not.