That time lawyer Michael Fattorosi likely prompted Vanessa Blue to LIE about her ex (who dumped her) Lexington Steele being gay

That time lawyer Michael Fattorosi likely prompted Vanessa Blue to LIE about her ex (who dumped her) Lexington Steele being gay

March 1, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: It’s fairly common knowledge to anyone who’s worked in the American pornography industry, that problematic lawyer Michael Fattorosi embodies extreme prejudice towards Blacks / African Americans who he can’t control or gain leverage over.

Fattorosi has been pulling Vanessa Blue and the founder of pornwikileaks strings for a VERY long time…

Quite a few years ago (after pornstar Lexington Steele dumped pornstar Vanessa Blue) it appears that it was Fattorosi who prompted Blue to spread lies and false rumors throughout the industry about Lexington Steele being gay – in effort to intimidate and bully Steele into not defending himself legally against Blue (in regards to an adult content catalog he held the rights to) .

In fact, a member of the Porn News Today Collective can provide sworn testimony as to how when she worked as an adult actress on a Vanessa Blue production in 2009, Blue very unprofessionally ranted nearly the entire day about Black men being “no good” and how Lexington Steele was allegedly gay. In addition, that same member of the Porn News Today Collective can attest that lawyer Michael Fattorosi was PRESENT on that particular shoot in 2009 and attempted to validate Blue’s claims.

Time and time again over the years, Michael Fattorosi has strategically targeted adult performers and behind the scenes professionals of color and within the LGBTQ community.  Many don’t remember, but it was Michael Fattorosi who essentially groomed the founder of Pornwikileaks to target people of color and members of the LGBTQ community via a (currently offline) hateful online podcast network Fattorosi launched several years ago called PrimeTimeUnscensored.

fattorosi michael pornwikileaks history

Today Michael Fattorosi advises the founder of Pornwikileaks in hist racist, homophobic and misogynistic targeting of people of color and members of the LGBTQ community.  In addition, Fattorosi currently advises, manages and defends accused pornstar rapist James Deen (despite the public outcries of outrage from the female portion of the American pornography industry talent pool).

It seems that Fattorosi believes that as long as Vanessa Blue (a Black woman) is his wife, he has free reign to terrorize people of color – as Blue essentially acts as his shield of “plausible deniability” (in regards to being a racist). However with each passing year, the truth of who Fattorosi really is becomes increasingly known – which is why today, you’ll primarily find Fattorosi on the very fringes of the industry – apparently attempting to gather the personal information of off camera sex workers, only in effort to likely extort and/or blackmail them later,  with the help of his buddy the founder of pornwikileaks.