How many Black babies do white privilege enabled pornographers murder annually?

How many Black babies do white privilege enabled pornographers murder annually?

December 9, 2019 Off By PNTLIVE


Part of why Alex Mayers loves and supports political commentator Candace Owens is due to Candace’s presence on social media having given Alex the courage to shift from being “pro choice” to PRO LIFE.

In this video, Alex shares an emotional and personal experience from her past in which a white privilege enabled pornographer coerced her into having an abortion.

Considering all the Alex has seen and experienced within the organized crime controlled abusive pornography industry, exactly how many white privilege enabled pornographers use planned parenthood to murder the countless babies of color they father annually?

Alex is currently a Democrat and doesn’t agree with all of Candace’s politics, but certain things Candace touches on resonate deeply with Alex.