The Shay Evans story – PLEASE SUPPORT HER and stop BULLYING her.
December 18, 2019Other adult industry linked blogs (who are heavily influenced by The Luxury Companion) have gone to great lengths to paint the performer known as Gia Milana (previously known as Shay Evans) in a bad light – and that’s a shame because in actuality Shay Evans is an incredibly strong young woman with a positive and COURAGEOUS mindset who had the WILL AND DRIVE to OVERCOME, SURVIVE and (today) FIGHT BACK.
It’s time for the adult entertainment industry to SUPPORT Gia Milana aka Shay Evans – as her story likely parallels the history of MANY other active (and retired) adult actresses.
(the topic of Shay’s situation begins at around the 30 minute mark in the video above)
The information below was found on the blog that Michael Strother lost control of, which now individuals linked to The Luxury Companion operate)