In case you haven’t noticed, the APAG Union is a mechanism to roll the red carpet out for the founder of Pornwikileaks’ return to the porn industry.

In case you haven’t noticed, the APAG Union is a mechanism to roll the red carpet out for the founder of Pornwikileaks’ return to the porn industry.

February 13, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

This Twitter account & venture is operated by the founder of Pornwikileaks – and appears to communicate with APAG Union officers

PNT commentary: Some claim that a person can be permanently blacklisted or banned from the porn industry.  Others say that it’s possible to “fail out of porn”…maybe – but not if you’re a white privileged enabled male criminal like the founder of Pornwikileaks.

If you take a good look at photographs of the American pornography industry’s social scene around 2007, you’ll notice that today the people in those photos all seem to be quite instrumental when it comes to the operation and success even of the government recognized adult entertainment industry union APAG (the Adult Performers Actors Guild).

Could it be, that the APAG Union in actuality is no more than a mechanism to pave the way for (or should I say roll out the red carpet for) the founder of Pornwikileaks’ return to the porn industry?

Don’t be surprised if Pornwikileak’s founder suddenly an APAG Union officer (as we’ve seen with Alana Evans aka Dawn Dangaard you don’t exactly have to be ELECTED to an office).

What? You thought a little something like the hate crime and extortion racket known as Pornwikileaks would stop the white privilege enabled jerk behind the venture? You thought his mental illness would turn the industry off? Don’t tell me you thought his threats against porn professional’s children would be a move that crossed the line…No way! Not when he’s got friends like Michael Fattorosi, Alana Evans, Phyllisha Anne and Will Ryder aka Jeff Mullen…

Remember, in the pornography industry AS LONG AS YOU ARE WHITE, IT’S ALWAYS GONNA BE ALRIGHT.


Phyllisha Anne – IEAU founder

The relationship between Will Ryder and Alana Evans is interesting. Wherever you see one at industry events you tend to see the other. Alana also tends to act as Will's puppet. Alana Evans as of current is the acting NON-ELECTED APAG union president.