the APAG Union Twitter account operator (likely Mrs. Kelly Pierce) DID THE RIGHT THING by blocking the dangerous ENABLER James Sharp

the APAG Union Twitter account operator (likely Mrs. Kelly Pierce) DID THE RIGHT THING by blocking the dangerous ENABLER James Sharp

February 14, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: Without a doubt the acting non-elected president of the APAG union is problematic, however the frequent operator of the APAG union Twitter account (Mrs. Kelly Pierce) must be applauded for apparently taking the initiative to BLOCK the adult content reviewer known as James Sharp.

Not only has James Sharp exhibited an unjustly elitist attitude over the years (and consistently spread gossip about individuals he’s never met) – but as of current he in acting as a dangerous enabler towards a retired veteran pornstar who a life saving 30 day mental hospital treatment program was recently recommended to by a PHD (certified and established Doctor).

There is a MENTAL ILLNESS EPIDEMIC within the veteran adult entertainer community and it is a problem that can NO LONGER be swept under the rug. It is a problem that SHOULD NOT BE ENABLED BY SEX ADDICTED PORN REVIEWERS AND FANS HOPING TO MANIPULATE A MENTALLY ILL WOMAN OR MAN INTO SLEEPING WITH THEM.

PNT contributors are of the opinion that anyone who KNOWINGLY sexually exploits a mentally ill individual should be equated to a RAPIST.

Real friends DO NOT ENABLE mental illness or substance abuse problems. Real friends encourage those suffering from mental illness, mental disorders and/or substance abuse issues to GET PROFESSIONAL HELP. Real friends do not encourage or enable individuals who need help for mental illness, disorders and/or substance abuse issues to isolate themselves from those in a position to OFFER PROFESSIONAL HELP.