the NON-ELECTED president of the APAG Union publicly disagrees with secretary/treasurer KELLY PIERCE’s very LOGICAL & REALISTIC stance on camming

the NON-ELECTED president of the APAG Union publicly disagrees with secretary/treasurer KELLY PIERCE’s very LOGICAL & REALISTIC stance on camming

February 14, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Alexandra Melody Mayers commentary: I don’t know Mrs. Kelly Pierce personally (and I doubt she’d have too many kind words for me) but I know a high level of intelligence when I see it – and that is something she embodies a substantial amount of…  A bit earlier today I tweeted the following:

Just because an organization as a whole is in the wrong – doesn’t mean that there aren’t individuals within that org. trying to do the right thing.
The non-elected president of the APAG union is the wrong person for the job. The union officer Kelly Pierce deserves more applause.
I’m not one who can likely properly speak on civil rights within the Trans sector of the lgbt/lgbtq community because I am a cis gender woman – however I do see how severely negatively impacted trans people are by stigma & prejudice. I also see how so often their efforts and intelligence is ignored (or looked over) in the world of business & professional organizations.

If you take a look at the APAG union Twitter account there is a noticeable difference in the level of intelligence between Kelly Pierce’s tweets & the other posts.
Basically what I’m saying is that in an equal, just & fair world Kelly Pierce would be the acting non-elected president of the APAG Union opposed to the person currently holding the position. Is Kelly kept in the background due to being Trans? I believe so – & it’s not right.
Must be nice to be a cisgender white privilege enabled American (be you male or female). The political, legal & business systems here in the USA (for the most part) literally allow you to take credit for others work, unjustly attain govt office & get away with murder on occasion.
I believe in mind over matter, because it is the MIND that is what really MATTERS. That’s what social media is the evidence of.
Our bodies are just shells for souls & the wrong souls are in power due to effectively hiding in shells that society today gives unfair advantage to.

On February 11, 2020 the non-elected president of the Adult Performers Actors Guild Union (Alana Evans) publicly disagreed with what I view as a well thought, common sense based, logical, rational and realistic argument made my Mrs. Kelly Pierce in regards to the reality of what it is to be a webcam model. The situation surprised me greatly considering that 1) I was under the impression that a Union’s objective was to publicly present a united front and 2) Alana Evans is a few years older than I am (I turned 41 last month), and long ago I came to terms with the realities of “aging out” of the adult entertainment industry.

Though nowadays I’m no longer an active performer in the adult entertainment industry, prior to my entrance into the pornography industry in 2008 I’d worked independently (from home) as an adult webcam model for close to 5 years (under the alias Monica Foster). In fact, I continued to do so while I was an active adult actress for pornography studios in California and I continued briefly as an adult webcam model upon my departure from the California based pornography industry.

I know quite well the realities of being an adult webcam model, and from my perspective Mrs. Kelly Pierce’s opinions on the matter are quite on point – especially when it comes to aging out of the adult industry and needing a “back up” employment plan for the future.

I feel that part of the responsibility of the “porn industry union” President is to provide those they lead with the reality of what the adult industry is and how it will later effect their lives – rather than some delusional overly glamorized and unrealistic fantasy. As of current it seems that Alana Evans’ personal deals with webcam companies (such as may be a conflict of interest to the position she holds…I’m not sure, but take a look for yourself at what Mrs. Kelly Pierce had to say (read from the bottom up) – and decide for yourself whether or not what she tweeted should be the public stance of the APAG Union.

(And for the record – Melody is the future of the adult entertainment industry. Melody is also my legal middle birth name.)

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