A well known criminal and male pornstar (with 3 children in his custody) states that the only way to stop his extortion attempt of ManyVids is to “kill” him

A well known criminal and male pornstar (with 3 children in his custody) states that the only way to stop his extortion attempt of ManyVids is to “kill” him

February 16, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: This is why the lawyer known as Michael Fattorosi needs to be extensively investigated by the FBI… Over the years Fattorosi has influenced & enabled Donnie Long aka D0nald Carlos Seoane (founder of the recently closed hate crime and extortion operation Pornwikileaks) to such an extent, that today Seoane’s mind is so warped that he’s essentially suggesting the webcam company known as ManyVids “kill” him to stop his extortion efforts. 

Bloggers such as Luke Ford, Gene Ross, Alex Mayers and other have noticed that there is an extreme mental illness problem within the active AND retired pornstar populace. What Donnie Long has tweeted over the past 48 hours should technically be grounds for Child Protective Services to step in immediately – as apparently his wife & 3 kids don’t make him happy & he’s contemplating death over being a responsible husband and father. 

No one who’s psychologically healthy would think to unjustly blame their unhappiness on having been banned from the ManyVids adult webcam platform – especially considering how many other adult webcam platforms exist. Could Seoane’s actual issue be that he simply can not afford to take care of his wife and children financially by being a sex worker? Maybe it’s time D0nald Carlos Seoane considered attaining a regular job and/or government assistance.

Obviously ManyVids will not kill D0nald Seoane (though they will likely take legal action against him), however it’s highly probable at this stage that Seoane is on the road to harming himself (and possibly his wife and children as well)…

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