Why is the NON-ELECTED president of the APAG Union, Alana Evans, answering to Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL as though he’s her BOSS or SUPERIOR? Who is REALLY controlling the Adult Performers’ Actors Guild Union?

Why is the NON-ELECTED president of the APAG Union, Alana Evans, answering to Sean Tompkins aka TRPWL as though he’s her BOSS or SUPERIOR? Who is REALLY controlling the Adult Performers’ Actors Guild Union?

February 25, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: Now THIS situation should be of great concern to ANYONE who’s paid dues to the APAG Union and ANY government official (or corporate employee in a leadership role) who’s ever met with or spoken with the Union’s current NON-ELECTED president Alana Evans aka Dawn Dangaard…

Sean Tompkins / Barthold aka TRPWL of The Real Pornwikileaks is NOT a Union officer. He is a porn industry blogger who resides in the Washington area. Sean has never worked in the adult entertainment industry as talent, a producer, a director, an agent or in ANY position of note. Though Sean claims to be “Porn’s Top Blogger” that is simply a titled he’s given HIMSELF.

There is NO LOGICAL REASON as to why the President of the APAG Union should feel intimidated by or feel the need to respond to or answer to Sean. In addition a few years ago Dawn likely shouldn’t have met with Sean in his hotel room at the Adult Entertainment Expo, nor should she have brought Melissa Hill up to his room to meet him either…

In the video below, recently resigned APAG Union Vice President Melissa Hill outlines how the current APAG Union officers extensively bullied and harassed her to the brink of suicide.