This Mikaela Spielberg situation is basically Montana Fishburne all over again…

This Mikaela Spielberg situation is basically Montana Fishburne all over again…

February 27, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: Regardless of how much wealth, fame and success a parent attains – if they don’t take the time to truly love and give adequate attention, acknowledgement and validation to their child – a Mikaela Spielberg or Montana Fishburn situation isn’t too far outside of the realm of possibilities…

Both Mikaela and Montana are only taking a “walk on the wild side” because they want ATTENTION (and also likely to PUNISH their parents in a roundabout sense…)

The tragic life of Laurence Fishburne’s daughter, Montana Fishburne

If you’ve heard the name Montana Fishburne, it’s likely for all the wrong reasons. Unfortunately, the daughter of Oscar-nominated actor Laurence Fishburne has been making tabloid headlines since starring in a Vivid Entertainment sex tape in 2010. Montana’s life could be considered a cautionary tale in the post-Kim Kardashian era of chasing fame by any means necessary. “Kim Kardashian’s sex tape was released, but she still got past that,” Montana told The Hollywood Reporter. “Even though she got all that negative attention for it, she still has all these other ventures going on now. That is what I want to emulate: having a tape come out and still being seen as a positive person. Not just, ‘She’s a porn star.'”

Years later, Montana has not managed to keep up with Kardashian. In fact, the only things they have in common are those notorious tapes and their famous last names. Montana has achieved internet fame (and/or infamy) but at the cost of so much, including her relationship with her legendary dad. Let’s take a closer look at the tragic life of Montana Fishburne.

Montana Fishburne took a page out of Kim Kardashian’s past

When Montana Fishburne made headlines in 2010 for breaking into the entertainment industry, it probably wasn’t what her Oscar-nominated dad, Laurence Fishburne, had in mind. “After I turned 18, I started to seriously think about the best way for me to enter [the business],” Montana told The Hollywood Reporter. “I was impressed with Kim Kardashian’s success after her tape was released by Vivid and decided to call the company to see if I could arrange a meeting.” The result: Montana Fishburne: An A-List Daughter Makes Her XXX Debut.

While Kardashian has said that she regrets her sex tape, Fishburne is proud of hers. “Being in an adult film is not a big deal to me,” she told People. “It’s something I always wanted to do. I have always been comfortable in my body and with my sexuality.” Montana was comfortable with her choice, but she told The Hollywood Reporter that her parents felt differently. Her father “told me he was embarrassed by me. My mom just says, ‘I love you’ … She wants me to be happy and doesn’t want me to get dragged into the dark side of porn.” Montana hopes her dad’s feelings will change. She told People. “Eventually, I hope he will be proud of me.”

Montana Fishburne was arrested on prostitution charges as a teen

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Steven Spielberg’s daughter Mikaela opens up about entering porn industry

MIkaela Spielberg has aspirations of becoming a hit in the world of adult entertainment and has revealed how her “erotica” will stand out from the pack

Mikaela Spielberg is not shy about her new career in adult entertainment and has opened up about her choice.

The 23-year-old daughter of legendary film director Steven Spielberg, who adopted her with wife Kate Capshaw, has said that she hopes her “erotica” will pave the way to an eye-opening career, which has had the blessing of her famous father.

In an interview with The Sun, Mikaela said that her plans were to do “pictures and videos for private customers or for the public, if that ever arises.”

As well as adult entertainment, Mikaela is also hoping to get a dancing license as this is what “loves most” and would be looking to “make money from it, which is dancing essentially.”

Mikaela lives with her 47-year-old fiancé in Nashville and has said that she would not be looking to ‘perform’ with other adult entertainers as she feels that “would be a violation of my boundaries.”

Speaking about her plans, Mikaela said: “The reason I don’t want to do anything outside of solo stuff is because I feel like it would be a violation of my boundaries and my relationship with my significant other.”

Mikaela revealed that she was going into adult entertainment because she “got really tired of not being able to capitalise on my body.”