Attention Pornstars and Cammodels – BEWARE of Gustavo Turner – he is selectively outing your LEGAL NAMES on Xbiz – it’s like Pornwikileaks part deux

Attention Pornstars and Cammodels – BEWARE of Gustavo Turner – he is selectively outing your LEGAL NAMES on Xbiz – it’s like Pornwikileaks part deux

February 29, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: This is interesting… be very careful pornstars (and women in general) when it comes to trusting and interacting with Gustavo Turner (an Xbiz blogger and photographer), because as of today he appears to be a bought and paid for sellout (not too different from the criminal doxxer who founded Pornwikileaks featured on

In this AB2389 related article ( he outs IEAU President Phillysha Anne’s legal name but NOT the Adult Performers Actors’ Guild Union NON-ELECTED President’s name. What a biased jerk…

At this phase in the game, yes – it’s fairly common knowledge that if you choose the career path of a pornstar or webcam model – your legal name will likely quickly become known (in fact, years ago Free Speech Coalition CEO Diane Duke tried her best to make that known to today’s generation of pornstars). However, is it Gustavo Turner’s place to out industry veterans legal names considering how recently he’s come on the scene? Not in the opinion of team Porn News Today…