Chapter 6 of Shelley Lubben’s Book illustrates how California’s AB 2389 will stop sex trafficking

Chapter 6 of Shelley Lubben’s Book illustrates how California’s AB 2389 will stop sex trafficking

March 8, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

The excerpt Alexandra Mayers shares in the video above from Chapter 6 of “The Truth Behind The Fantasy Of Porn” (a book by the recently deceased activist Shelley Lubben) perfectly illustrates how the legislation linked to California Assembly Bill ( AB2389 ) would benefit both current and future sex workers (and would help to put a stop to the horrific crime of sex trafficking).

You can familiarize yourself with Shelley Lubben’s book by watching the video playlist below.

SUPPORT Assembly Bill 2389 #AB2389 – it will STOP criminals in the industry who DOX pornstars and cam models. AB2389 legislation would have prevented Pornwikileaks and the current attack on ManyVids!