Amberly Rothfield aka AmberlyPSO of the APAG Union suggests home based pornstars & cammodels create adult content while their children are home. BAD IDEA!

Amberly Rothfield aka AmberlyPSO of the APAG Union suggests home based pornstars & cammodels create adult content while their children are home. BAD IDEA!

March 17, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: The APAG union leaders have made some petty bad choices over the past few months, but this has to be one of the worst… Whether an adult industry professional’s minor aged children are awake or sleeping, IN NO WAY, SHAPE OR FORM should that professional create adult content in the vicinity of children. Children are VERY observant and introducing a child to adult sexual themes while they are a minor (whether it’s done on purpose or not) is a form of CHILD ABUSE.

Parents who are pornstars and/or cammodels – DO NOT take Amberly Rothfield’s advice – as you’re not only risking harming your minor aged children, but you’re also opening the door for CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES to build a solid case to take your children.

There comes a time in life to where you need to decide who is more important – your children or the jerks who the porn industry is comprised of (and cater to)… There are many ways to earn a living outside of being a cammodel or pornstar.

Someone may want to familiarize Amberly with the information in the article below – as many individuals who may appear to be “healthy neighbors” – in actuality may be “silent spreaders” of the Coronavirus… It would be a shame if a pornstar who’s a young mother took Amberly’s ill thought advice and inadvertently condemned her children to an early grave – all in the name of creating adult content to sell on OnlyFans.

How ‘silent spreaders’ are fueling the coronavirus pandemic

Since a novel coronavirus first made its presence known in China, public health officials around the world have had one fervent hope: That people who are infected but not sick would pass the virus to others only rarely. That would give these silent spreaders no more than a bit part in driving a global outbreak.

That hope is in danger of being dashed.

In the period before the Chinese government threw up a massive barricade around the province of Hubei to block the coronavirus’ escape, almost 9 out of 10 infections were transmitted by carriers who were still healthy, according to a new simulation of the virus’ spread.

Compared with a person who was sick enough to have his or her infection confirmed in the pandemic’s early days, an infected person with symptoms mild enough to escape official documentation was about half as likely to infect another person, the analysis found.

But since these “undocumented” carriers so outnumbered those whose infections were confirmed, their effect was far greater, the researchers who conducted the simulation found. They concluded that in the outbreak’s earliest days — between Jan. 10 and Jan. 23 — people well enough to have stayed out of the hospital probably played a key role in the coronavirus’ explosive spread.

The new effort to ascertain the role of infected people with few or no symptoms offers some insight into how quickly the coronavirus would spread through a population given free rein.

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