Fashion, Lifestyle & Erotic Photographer Nickey Milo reports a confirmed case of talent POSITIVE for Coronavirus COVID-19 – but due to Hippa laws has not revealed her identity

Fashion, Lifestyle & Erotic Photographer Nickey Milo reports a confirmed case of talent POSITIVE for Coronavirus COVID-19 – but due to Hippa laws has not revealed her identity

March 17, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: Yet ANOTHER reason why the Free Speech Coalition should have called for a MANDATORY hold on adult content production, rather than a VOLUNTARY hold…

At this phase, government intervention may be required – as the Los Angeles pornography industry (who’s talent pool is comprised of pornstars who often make themselves available as prostitutes to the general public) is rapidly proving itself to be a CORONAVIRUS PUBLIC HEALTH HAZARD of potentially epic proportions…