did Lotus Lain of the Free Speech Coalition steal Alana Evan’s idea to attain $150K from Pornhub? Is the evil porn lawyer Michael Fattorosi spreading lies about Alana?
March 18, 2020PNT commentary: What’s interesting about this little drama unfolding is that BOTH Alana Evans and Michael Fattorosi (aka the legal advisement to Pornwikileaks) have been well known adult industry trouble makers for YEARS… constantly injecting themselves into situations of which neither needed to be present.
From the perspective of team Porn News Today, Pornhub aka Mindgeek would likely find working with Lotus Lain to be far more pleasant (and professional) of an experience than working with the screeching “Queen of Drama Alana”…
In addition, Michelle LeBlanc of the Free Speech Coalition might want to consider distancing herself from “union leaders” known to condone (or turn a blind eye to) the pimping and pandering activity linked to entities such as The Luxury Companion (the fact that the Adult Performers Actors Guild Union and The Luxury Companion have utilized the same lawyer has never been a “good look”).
1) OK here we go. Several weeks ago I went to FSC @pornhub and @Clips4sale and others to talk about creating an educational plan to help our industry, help our performers, and keep the state out. I sent over a plan and a proposal.
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) March 18, 2020
2) I was told by @pornhub that this was a great idea but they wanted FSC to get involved. So naturally I start my conversations with Michelle who was reluctant but wanted to hear more. As time went by I got more people involved in my plan.
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) March 18, 2020
3) After more than two weeks had passed, I realized Michele wasn’t really getting back to me anymore. Left me a bit confused. Until I heard that Lotus decided to create her own plan asking for $150,000 from porn hub to basically steal my idea that I brought to them.
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) March 18, 2020
4) Instead of working together, as myself and many others asked them to do, they decided to move forward and leave us out. Until they realized we were almost done. At this point things changed. Phone calls started happening.
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) March 18, 2020
5) I was being told that Fattarosi was calling people lying to them about me, accusing me of things I’ve never done, in an effort to stop them from supporting our plan. Why? Let me tell you they want money. They want porn hub to pay for this.
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) March 18, 2020
If you’re going to falsely accuse me you should probably @ me…I openly posted my objections to your (or any other groups) AB #2389 training certification on https://t.co/qVLM2H1eUo. Which you responded to. There was nothing secretive about my position. No one should do this now
— Michael Fattorosi (@pornlaw) March 18, 2020
Michael, I know about your phone calls. All of them. Along with our arguing in DMs. Please don’t patronize me. We both know the lies you’re telling and how you shook down a young lady yesterday about “her goals” – don’t.
— Alana Evans (@alanaevansxxx) March 18, 2020
I shook down a young lady ? Who ??? So what do you call having your Unions attorney call me and threaten me with a lawsuit ??
— Michael Fattorosi (@pornlaw) March 18, 2020
.@pornlaw teaming with Erika Icon? The women who wrote an “anon” letter to AHF and outed performers names. Interesting bedfellows
— William Munny (@TRPWL) March 18, 2020
Deflect all you want. If I wanted to start a rumor about you, it would be easy, so you’re saying you’ve had NO Contact with her? By email, or PHONE?
— William Munny (@TRPWL) March 18, 2020