Nevada Governor Sisolak announces closure of all brothels, strip clubs, bars, casinos and many other non-essential businesses in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic

Nevada Governor Sisolak announces closure of all brothels, strip clubs, bars, casinos and many other non-essential businesses in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic

March 18, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: One can only speculate as to what Christian activist Shelley Lubben would say about these times (were she still alive)…


Gov. Steve Sisolak on Tuesday announced a statewide closure of all casinos, restaurants, bars and other nonessential businesses for 30 days and strongly encouraged Nevadans to stay inside as part of the state’s latest response to the COVID-19 outbreak. (Angus Kelly/Las Vegas Review-Journal)

CARSON CITY — Gov. Steve Sisolak on Tuesday significantly ramped up Nevada’s response to COVID-19 by announcing a statewide closure of all casinos, restaurants, bars and other nonessential businesses for 30 days, and he urged Nevadans to stay inside to reduce their chance of becoming infected and spreading the virus.

The closures could be extended beyond the one-month mark, as Sisolak said he would evaluate them at the end of the shutdown period. Affected businesses must be closed by noon on Wednesday, Sisolak said during a press conference Tuesday night. All gaming machines, devices and tables inside casinos will be shut down by midnight, he added.

“Today it is clear additional steps must be taken immediately to slow the spread of this deadly virus in our state,” Sisolak said.

Beyond the edict on gaming establishments, the rest of what the governor announced came in the form of directives. By turns he implored businesses and residents to heed guidelines medical experts have put forth to slow the spread of the virus. But he couched his strong language ultimately in terms of recommendations, and when asked about enforcement, stressed public safety.

“People are looking for a loophole here, this is affecting the lives of our citizens,” he said in response to a question.

His office promised that official guidelines would be released on Wednesday to clarify the order. Sisolak strongly urged Nevadans to stay inside amid the outbreak, but he did not characterize it as a “shelter in place” mandate similar to one ordered in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Businesses that should stay open include grocery stores, gas stations, medical offices, banks and other financial services, Sisolak said. Restaurants that can provide delivery, drive-through, pick-up or curbside service also could stay open, but sit-down dining establishments should not.

The governor’s announcement follows on a limited set of business closures ordered Monday by Reno, the state’s third-largest city. It follows the statewide closing of K-12 schools Sisolak ordered Sunday. So far, 55 COVID-19 cases have been reported in Nevada, with one death.

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