Another report of EXTREME White Privilege enabled male pornstar ABUSE – according to TOMMY WOOD is a PSYCHO!

Another report of EXTREME White Privilege enabled male pornstar ABUSE – according to TOMMY WOOD is a PSYCHO!

March 19, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: In the American pornography industry white privilege enabled male pornstars and pimps can get away with just about ANYTHING (and the industry leaders of the Free Speech Coalition and Adult Performers Actors Guild Union often condone such men and turn a blind eye to their crimes).

The Rising Porn Actor Accused of Abuse and Harassment: ‘He Put Me in a Suitcase’

key excerpts via – click here to read the entire article on it’s original source

Vahn is seated across from me at The Daily Beast’s office in Manhattan. She appears emotionally drained, breaking down in tears several times during the course of our conversation. The popular adult actress, 31, is here to discuss the horrific cycle of psychological and physical abuse she allegedly suffered at the hands of Tommy Wood, a rising adult film star who recently had a feature role in the AVN award-winning Drive, and whom AVN, the adult industry’s premier trade magazine, recently branded a “fresh face.”

A little over a week ago, on March 8, Vahn tweeted out graphic images of her bruised body to her 84,000-plus followers, accompanied by a message: “this wasn’t consensual. this happened as a result of wanting to ‘talk out’ an incident and he wanted to sleep and talk in the morning. When I said no we talk now – this was my punishment. THIS MAN IS IN PORN NOW.”

Vahn reluctantly agreed to give Wood a shot in 2015, and the two soon began a full-blown relationship, with the adult star staying at the male model’s home in New Jersey. But there were some early warning signs, she says. “He started finding things in me he didn’t agree with, and tearing at my intelligence,” she remembers. “He would say I’m ‘so stupid’ because I didn’t know how to do my taxes, things like that.”

She says she became “very subservient” to him. “I was docile… it took me years to even try to defend myself.”

“The abuse started small. It started with shoving in the house, and then he did this move where he puts his hand over my mouth… then he began putting one hand on my mouth while the other hand went around my throat,” she says, visibly trembling. “And I would go limp, because I’m not a fighter like that. He’s 6-foot-1, and dominant, and scary, and I’m only 5-foot-3.”

Wood proposed that the couple engage in threesomes, Vahn says, to “help bring them closer together.” She says she wasn’t into the idea but gave in to satisfy his urges. Women began visiting their home almost daily to have sex with Wood while Vahn says she hung out in the other room. “How did we get here?” she’d ask herself. “I didn’t like it. I only like to be with one person, outside of my work.”

That soon escalated to sex-party orgies. Again, Vahn says she agreed because it made Wood happy. “Those were not necessarily consensual. They were, because I did those things, but I did it under pressure. Do this or I’ll leave you. It was emotionally horrific, and so exhausting,” she says.

“I would get drunk to deal with the sex, because we were swinging, and he was trading me to other couples. I didn’t like being passed around like a commodity,” she continues, tearing up. “Being wasted made things go by. I didn’t like to be present.”

At one of these orgies, she says she felt she was pushed far beyond her breaking point. Vahn remembers standing by the doorway smoking a joint while Wood was engaging in group sex. A woman beckoned her to the bed. When she stayed still, Wood got angry. “Heather, didn’t you hear her? Come into the bed,” she recalls him telling her. “I gave him daggers for eyes, because ‘no’ means ‘no’ for me. But he crossed the line that day,” she says. “Four guys had sex with me, and I don’t know where my head was at. My eyes stayed closed and I was very limp a lot, and people didn’t like that.”

“I feel that I was gang-raped,” she confesses through tears. “And it’s tough to say, because I walked into the room. It’s consensual and non-consensual at the same time. It’s a loose thing. He’ll say, you agreed to be there, because you did this for us. But I did it against every fiber of my being.”

“I was standing in the doorway of our bedroom and he got out of the bed, grabbed my head, and began jerking it around. I’m having the thought of, ‘I’m going to die… he’s going to snap my neck.’ And—it’s so stupid—I was worried about him. I was thinking, ‘He’s going to make a mistake, and if I die he’s going to go to jail,’” she tearfully recalls.

“So he did that and went back into the bedroom. But he could hear me crying into the couch in the other room, and so he’d march back in and say, ‘Shut up! I’m trying to sleep!’ He started hitting me with pillows, and then he began grabbing my head and smacking it against the floor. I looked into his eyes and saw vacancy there. I’m like, ‘What are you doing? I love you, why are you doing this? I don’t understand.’”

“He let go of me, and went back into the bedroom. I started crying quietly into the pillow again, and I could hear his footsteps coming toward me, so I braced myself. And I could feel blows over and over again in the same place. And then it was over.”

In a rambling response to The Daily Beast, Wood didn’t deny that he abused Vahn but said “if in anytime I were ever to inflict harm or violence to any individual it would only be out of self-defense.” He says that Vahn “stalked” him, “vandalized” his belongings, and would “hit, scratch, punch and throw various items at me,” calling theirs a “toxic relationship.” As for the sex parties, he says she “would continuously break down” and that “it was pretty obvious that she wasn’t the right person to explore that type of lifestyle with.”

According to Vahn, Wood pressured her into signing a document stating that he never hit or harmed her—and then took her to his bank and had them notarize it. “This was an attempt by him to silence me after beating my ass,” she says. (The Daily Beast reviewed audio of Wood admitting to hitting Vahn while pressuring her to sign the document; Wood denies that he pressured her to sign it, calling it a typical “domestic relationship agreement.”)

In the days since Vahn posted the photos of her bruised body to Twitter, Wood has engaged in an online Twitter campaign against her, posting choppily edited videos and emails revealing sensitive personal information, including her email address. “He’s been doxxing me for like… days now,” she says.

click here to read more (and the article in it’s entirety on the original source –