Coronavirus COVID-19 testing must be added to all Free Speech Coalition PASS approved adult performer STD testing centers IMMEDIATELY! That includes Talent Testing Services, Cutting Edge Testing & other Talent Health Labs.

Coronavirus COVID-19 testing must be added to all Free Speech Coalition PASS approved adult performer STD testing centers IMMEDIATELY! That includes Talent Testing Services, Cutting Edge Testing & other Talent Health Labs.

March 20, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: The adult performer talent pool has the potential of rapidly morphing into a GROUND ZERO of Coronavirus COVID-19 “silent transmitters” (individuals infected with COVID-19 who show little to no symptoms) – which is why it is advised that all Free Speech Coalition PASS approved adult performer STD testing centers (Talent Testing Services, Cutting Edge Testing & other Talent Health Labs) implement MANDTORY COVID-19 testing into the adult performer STD testing panels IMMEDIATELY! 

Technically Coronavirus COVID-19 can be classified as A SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASE (STD) considering how it is transmitted (through exposure to the bodily fluids of a carrier, personal contact with a carrier and the touching of contaminated objects).

Sexually transmitted disease definition – any one of various diseases that can be transmitted by direct sexual contact.