Why is California Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez so willing help Alana Evans stop #AB2389?

Why is California Assembly Member Lorena Gonzalez so willing help Alana Evans stop #AB2389?

March 22, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

Last night on a podcast known as Hot Sugar Tea, the pornstar Alana Evans (known to out Donald Trump’s) situation with Stormy Daniels shared what sounded like a confidential communication exchange between herself and California Assembly Member Lorena S. Gonzalez in regards to Assembly Bill 2389 (a bill which would help to stop sex trafficking in the pornography industry).

In the exchange Gonzalez allegedly states she believed she could get Assembly Member Christina Garcia to drop the bill.

The question is: why does Lorena Gonzalez appear to be so willing to help a pornstar (linked to illegal prostitution) squelch a California bill that could halt a substantial amount of sex trafficking within the pornography industry?

Not good.

It’s important to note that one of the lawyers who provides free services to the union Alana Evans is the non-elected President of ALSO provides his services to a prostitution (escort) agency known as The Luxury Companion. https://www.pornnewstoday.com/index.php/2019/12/17/so-the-luxury-companion-and-the-apag-union-utilize-the-same-lawyer-trpwl-weighs-in/
