How pornstar Seth Gamble kicked his drug and alcohol addictions

How pornstar Seth Gamble kicked his drug and alcohol addictions

March 25, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

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How Seth Gamble Went From Rock Bottom to World-Renowned Porn Star

“Now that I’m sober, my performances are a lot more connected.”

He recalls relapsing with alcohol and cocaine at age 28, while he was in Las Vegas for the Adult Video News Awards. “People were telling me I looked good because they thought I had cleaned up. Meanwhile, I was going to these sidebars taking shots and had a little bag of blow,” Gamble says. “I got so bad that someone had to bathe me in a cold bath because I was so overheated. I called my friend and fellow performer, Mark Davis, and just cried and cried.”

But he still hadn’t hit rock bottom.

But because of his addiction, he gained a reputation for being difficult to work with on set. He always showed up, but he was often late or feeling moody. “I was disassociated, doing so much blow that narcissism would appear because of how the drug reacts to the brain,” he says. “On set I developed a ‘better than’ issue. Then when I was by myself, I had a ‘less than’ issue.”


Seth hit rock bottom at age 29, two years after his relapse at the AVN Awards. He left a 12-step meeting to head straight to a bar. He took 16 shots of Patron, snorted an 8 ball of cocaine, swallowed a Xanax bar, and eventually overdosed on his bedroom floor.

“It was such a rude awakening because I realized I couldn’t stop if I wanted to,” Gamble says. “I made a promise to myself at that moment that I’ll never do it again. I got off the floor and said I needed rehab.”

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