Vienna Rose tells The Daily Beast “I’m done with porn.” – East Coast Talent, Motley Models and other AGENTS FROM HELL are just a few reasons as to WHY…

Vienna Rose tells The Daily Beast “I’m done with porn.” – East Coast Talent, Motley Models and other AGENTS FROM HELL are just a few reasons as to WHY…

April 2, 2020 Off By PNTLIVE

PNT commentary: Vienna did the right thing in calling out the predators for their unethical, unprofessional and abusive behavior. More young women in today’s adult industry need to realize that there is POWER in speaking up for yourself. Those who remain silent about the abuse they’ve endured never get much of anywhere (and often find themselves either in the hospital or dead).

Click here to read the full article…

Vienna Rose had had enough. “It’s time for Vienna Rose to die,” she tweeted on March 19th. “I’m done with porn.” She didn’t want to be part of an industry where “the most vile people are rewarded,” and urged all 18-year-olds in adult to “get the fuck out now while there’s still time.”


“I’d been wanting to say my piece for a while and didn’t know how to go about it,” she says. “I think it’s very dangerous to put this narrative out there to women, young women especially, that sex work is this huge money-making thing. I feel like we feed that to women, that you’ll come in here and start making lots of money, but because porn is so oversaturated that is genuinely not the case anymore.”


She also bemoaned the way agents lure impressionable young women into porn by browsing their Instagram, finding a hot young woman, and sending them a message like, Do you want to come out to L.A. and make $10,000 month?

“To me, that’s baiting,” she says. “Young women should not be recruited into porn.”


But when Rose moved out to L.A., she learned that the porn life was, well, not as glamorous as she’d hoped. She was thrown into a two-bedroom apartment housing ten aspiring adult actresses; meanwhile, Stevens didn’t prove to be much of an agent, so work was scarce. “He brings girls out there and does nothing for them. There was one point where I was just eating eggs or rice, because that’s all that I could afford,” she remembers. “Then I got really sick, because there were all these people in the house and I wasn’t eating properly. After that, I got out of there.”


Rose soon found herself being recruited by Dave Rock, the owner of adult agency Motley Models. But her signing, she says, came with a catch. He and his girlfriend, the adult actress Scarlett Sage, were looking for a “pet.” “He said, ‘Scarlett and I are looking for a pet. If you would be interested in doing something for us, we could make sure that you would succeed.’ It was basically a quid pro quo,” Rose claims. “I had to think it over because I hadn’t fucked anybody to get ahead yet, and really didn’t want to take that route, plus he didn’t really explain what the terms were. But I wanted to join the Marines, and wanted to get away from all this, so I did what I had to.” (Rock did not respond to requests for comment.)

Rose alleges that she arrived to their first “meeting” at their home, and Sage was in a robe. After requesting she give her a massage, she says Sage then ordered her to perform oral sex on her. It was an early sign of what she calls Sage’s “controlling” behavior—bossing her around, making her do chores, and generally treating her as their house pet. On top of that, she says Dave would constantly criticize her body and compare her unfavorably to other adult performers on his roster.

Things came to a head one evening. “[Sage] told me to come upstairs with her, we took a bath together, and then she put these cat ears on me, which I thought was kind of weird. Then she called Dave in. And when we had sex, that’s when things got very odd,” says Rose. “[Sage] took her dog’s leash and put it around my neck, and in my mind, everything changed. Some people would probably say that’s not that big of a deal but with the way she had been treating me, it solidified that they didn’t see me as a human being. They saw me as a sex toy, and I started feeling very gross. It became this very degrading sort of experience for me.”


“I’m definitely quitting porn. I’m at the end of my rope,” she tells me. “From the moment I’ve gotten into porn, I’ve been told: ‘Maybe if you just went to the gym and toned up you’d be getting more work.’ Well I’ve been doing that. I’m just depressed all the time, have a horrible eating disorder and body dysmorphia. Maybe these are things I had before I got into porn but they were heavily exacerbated by porn.”